– Have you ever heard of an 80/20 diet? Yes, the diet that has been followed by many Hollywood artists, such as Jessica Alba is considered to be an effective diet to lose weight and even prevent it from rising again. The 80/20 diet allows you to eat healthy foods as well as foods you like – even if they are unhealthy.
What is 80/20 Diet?
In layman’s terms, 80:20 means eating 80 percent healthy food. Another 20 percent can be spent eating a favorite snack.Why do people like 80/20? Experts like this approach because a person tends to reduce the complete food group, to counting calories or limiting themselves from certain foods.
This modern diet is unlike other diets that require you to choose a healthy diet or limit a type of food. What is the 80/20 diet? The 80/20 diet is a dietary principle that emphasizes the arrangement of eating by consuming 80% of healthy foods and the remaining 20% is the food you like.
Put simply: for 6 days a week you must eat healthy food, but you can freely eat anything on the 7th day or on weekends. Sounds quite fun, doesn’t it compare to other diets? At the very least, you can still eat your favorite foods once a week.
This method is considered more powerful to lose weight in a person in a fairly quick time and can prevent weight gain in later life. Can you lose weight by cheating on weekends? A study conducted in 2014 stated that people can still lose weight after committing ‘cheating’ on weekends.
The study also found that although people on this diet did not experience drastic weight loss, the risk was lower for heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, or other chronic diseases.
80/20 Diet Rule
As it turns out, this diet has fairly easy rules. For the balanced health and nutrition, you don’t have to choose 100% healthy food. However, it is enough to only choose 80% to eat healthy foods and the rest you can eat ordinary foods that you like.
How does the 80/20 diet work?
You can just eat cake
Because an 80:20 diet means you eat 80 percent healthy food and eat whatever you want 20 percent. Why do people go on 80/20 diet? The reason behind this is actually simple: those who go on a strict diet usually gain weight again after a long time of strict dieting. With an 80:20 diet, you don’t fast to eat deliciously., just eat less deliciously..
Success rate, according to statistics
Does 80/20 diet increase success? There is a lot of evidence to suggest that an 80:20 diet can increase the chances of long-term diet success compared to fasting good food. Fasting good food makes us think of it constantly, and of course we cannot stop eating the food we like.
Know the causes of your food cravings
Cravings are related to emotional state. For example, we like sweet and soft desserts. How are cravings related to emotional state? As you reduce that intake, you’ll know why those food cravings are by identifying what causes stress, personally or professionally. Learn to get through it and don’t switch to food.
It doesn’t feel like a diet, says those who run
How much of the time do you pamper yourself? This kind of lifestyle builds a healthier lifestyle for the long term. To be able to pamper yourself is only 20 percent of the time, meaning another 80 percent of the time you eat healthily. How you go about this certainly depends on your lifestyle, consult a certified fitness trainer if you need input.
The real result of this 80:20 rule is, you can be more aware of what and how much is eaten, tailored to your exercise. Plus, you no longer need to turn down calls to eat from others.
Write your 80:20 success story
Write down your fitness goals of S.M.A.R.T. as a complement to the 80:20 diet style. Easy to do, from now on.
For those of you who have been on a diet, surely know how to torture you must maintain a diet and cannot eat the favorite food that is being desired. Well, rather than you get stuck in a diet routine, but don’t go ahead and try another diet, it’s better to live a much healthier 80/20 diet.