| Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods – There is no denying that skin condition is a clear reflection of how well we take care of our body. Generally, some outside elements including sun exposure, heredity factors as well as skin care habits can also make a contribution to the very you.
More certainly, your diet may have a gradual direct influence on the state of not only your health but also your skin. In particular, what you consume is closely linked to how you will look as well as how fast you will age.
According to scientific evidence, while inflammation and free radical damage are mainly responsible for skin collagen breakdown, antioxidants in the daily diet can save your skin health by fighting against free radicals.
When we become aged, it is highly certain that all body parts may run less smoothly and we are more prone to age-related health issues. As a result, many people eager to follow a healthy diet so that they can slow down the negative effects of the aging process.
Based on the outcome of several studies, it is concluded that the Mediterranean diet is accompanied with the capability of hydrating your complexion, preventing damage from harmful factors and eventually reducing aging signs. At the meantime, this diet can lea
d to the lower chance of going down with diseases.
In this article, the author will shed light on top popular foods which commonly appear in the Mediterranean diet to help with slowing down aging.
Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods
1# Blueberries
One of the most popular foods which are beneficial for slowing down the aging process is blueberries. Not unlike raspberries, strawberries as well as blackberries, blueberries can not only boost people’s memory but also improve skin health.
This effect is attributed to an abundant source of vitamin C, flavonols and anthocyanins which are regarded as powerful factors to lower the number of aging cells.
2# Cucumbers
Cucumber is one of Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods.
Generally, cucumbers or also the fruit of summer can play an important role in treating many skin-related problems. Therefore, it is easy to understand that cucumber consumption will not make you disappointed in the fight against the aging process.
Being high in silica, cucumbers are able to foster collagen production, supporting to limit the appearance of wrinkle in your face.
- Have some slices of cucumbers
- Put them directly into your skin
- Leave them at 5-10 minutes
- Rinse off with lukewarm water
- Do like this repeatedly
3# Guava
Guava lovers should be really happy when witnessing guava appears in this list since they have one more reason to add guava frequently into their diet. For anyone who may not know, guava is a powerhouse of vitamin C.
Therefore, by eating guava, people can effectively lighten their skin tone, nurture it to limit wrinkling as well as prevent the damage from environmental factors to skin.
4# Avocado
Avocado is one of Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods
Many people love eating avocado thanks to its passionate taste. In addition to this, the avocado may bring about many positive changes in the state of your aging skin. In reality, avocado is a perfect combination of vitamin E and fatty acids, thus, it can provide instant support to your skin improves.
What’s more, the habit of eating avocado regularly may aid in nail and hair health a lot. The way to use avocado is various, instead of drinking avocado smoothies each day, you can consult these following steps:
- – Extract avocado fruit
- – Mix it with some spoons of honey
- – Insert the mixture into your skin during 5-10 minutes
- – Use warm water to wash off your skin
5# Pomegranate
You may not know, but one of the most popular applications of pomegranate consumption is in people which suffer from aging effects. Not only is pomegranate fruit is delicious, its seeds are also good at improving skin health. Loading with ellagic acid and punicalagin, pomegranate may inhibit the damage from free radicals and foster collagen production.
6# Walnuts
Walnuts is one of Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods.
Another choice for anyone who wants to slow down the aging process is walnuts. To specify, walnuts are rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, thus, you can enjoy a better skin health by including walnuts regularly into your diet.
7# Apple Cider Vinegar
In case you find that these following ingredients are not good enough, let’s go for apple cider vinegar. For long, people have been using apple cider vinegar to say goodbye to a lot of health ailments, but also an extensive diversity of skin issues including aging skin or skin tags.
- – Dilute some apple cider vinegar with warm water by 1:3 ratio
- – Stir it until you get a perfect mixture
- – Have yourself consume the solution 2-3 times daily
8# Lemon
Lemon is one of Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods.
In case you do not want to put much effort, energy and money on reducing age spots, you can try using lemon. Lemon, as many people are aware, is a good storage of vitamin C. Therefore, lemon intake will naturally lighten your skin tone as well as foster immune health.
- – Have some slices of fresh lemon
- – Mask your skin by these slices for 2-3 minutes
- – Get your skin washed with lukewarm water
9# Green Leaf
Adding more green vegetables into your daily diet is another choice to fight again aging signs. Some popular choices can be listed as spinach, green beans, thyme, and watercress and so on.
10# Yogurt
There have been numerous researches to prove the health benefits of yogurt in the prevention against the aging process.
- – Have a cup of plain yogurt
- – Put some fruits into the cup
- – Mix them well
- – Consume the mixture regularly
Thank you very much for reading Top 10 Anti Aging Superfoods, hopefully useful.