What is Arbutin?
Arbutin is a substance derived from pear leaves, cranberries or can also be made synthetically. Arbutin has been widely used in the world of beauty as a skin lightening agent.
Arbutin is known as a substance that can block tyrosinase so it is often used to provide a skin-lightening effect.
Please note that, dark spots on the skin produced by melanocyte cells contain the tyrosinase enzyme. This enzyme can be activated when exposed to UV light. The use of Arbutin will help inhibit the enzyme in forming dark spots on the skin.
Arbutin Type
There are generally two types of Arbutin known today, namely alpha-arbutin and beta-arbutin. For alpha-arbutin itself, Arbutin is of good quality and more stable than beta-arbutin.
While beta-arbutin is a type of Arbutin whose quality is below alpha-arbutin, and tends to be more unstable when compared to alpha-arbutin.
Among the two types of Arbutin, alpha-arbutin is the most stable and most effective type of Arbutin for use as an ingredient in skin care products..
However, both types of Arbutin are known to have the same function, namely to suppress the production of melanin, the cause of dark spots after exposure to sunlight.
Based on research results, alpha-arbutin is known to be more than ten times stronger in effect compared to beta-arbutin.
Arbutin Skin Benefits
The following are some of the benefits of Arbutin.
Arbutin is a natural skin lightening agent that can reduce hyperpigmentation. That is, this Arbutin can fade dark spots due to sun exposure.
It didn’t stop there, Arbutin was also able to prevent the spots from coming back later. And, the development of hyperpigmentation after sun exposure can also be prevented.
Given, this Arbutin can stop the production of extra melanin. Please note that this extra melanin production occurs when the enzyme tyrosinase makes the amino acid tyrosine, which will later be fertilized into melanin.
So, it can also be said that, this Arbutin will affect the production process of the tyrosine amino acid. If the production of the amino acid tyrosine is inhibited, the production of extra melanin can also be limited.
The less melanin, the fewer dark spots that appear on the skin.
Fade Age Spots
Age spots may appear with age. Arbutin can actually help fade freckles that appear due to aging.
Acne scars can generally interfere with the appearance of the skin. For that, not a few who do many ways to fade it. One of them is the use of Arbutin.
In addition, Arbutin is also known to help prevent acne from coming back in the future. In fact, over time of use, Arbutin can improve skin texture and smoothen scars.
Arbutin is known to also be used to help fade a medical condition called Melasma. Please note that, melisma is a condition in which brown patches appear on the face due to hormonal changes.
With Arbutin, the intensity of melisma can be reduced. However, if you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor first before using Arbutin.
Arbutin can also lighten skin tone. In other words, the use of Arbutin can make the skin look healthier and radiant. Arbutin is not the same as foundation which only disguises and evens out skin tone, but can brighten skin from within.
Not only brightening, this Arbutin can also make the skin look bright, evenly through skin tone up. Remember, freckles or sun spots can be reduced, so the skin tone up will be more even.
Hydroquinone is an ingredient that may often be used for the treatment of more severe hyperpigmentation and melasma. However, the effects of hydroquinone can pose a risk of damaging the skin, especially if not used properly.
Possible risks include bluish patches, grayish patches, and even permanent skin damage.
For this reason, Arbutin is one of the safer and more natural hydroquinone derivatives to replace hydroquinone itself. Arbutin is known to have been shown to treat the severe melisma and dark areas without the side effects as bad as hydroquinone.
As a Lightening Alternative that is Gentle on the Skin
Arbutin is known to be a lightening alternative that is gentle on the skin. If other skin lighteners are drying and irritating, switching to Arbutin is a good choice.
Remember, the active components in Arbutin itself are released slowly, so the irritation that may be caused will be less when compared to other lighteners.
This arbutin may also be better used by people who have sensitive skin.
Arbutin Side Effects
If you have skin with certain medical conditions such as rosacea, then you should first consult with your doctor before using Arbutin. Given, certain side effects of using Arbutin for these skin conditions may occur.
The possible side effects of using Arbutin include:
- Dermatitis or contact dermatitis
- Redness
- Itch
- Drought
- Scratches
- Rash
Tips for Using Arbutin
The following are some tips that may be useful in using Arbutin so that it is more effective.
Always Do a Patch Test First
Patch testing with the use of skincare for the first time is highly recommended, including the use of Arbutin. The patch test in question can be done by:
- Apply Arbutin on a certain small area on the forehead
- Observe, after use for 24 hours
- If there is irritation, then stop using
- If there is no irritation in the area, then skincare can be used for a wider area of the face
Apply to all areas of the skin evenly
After the patch test has been done and there are no signs of irritation, the next step is to apply it all over the face or as a spot treatment.
When applying Arbutin to all areas of the facial skin, you should avoid some areas such as:
- Eye
- Lip
- Mouth
This arbutin can not only be used for the skin on the face area, but can also be used for skin in other areas such as the chest and hands. So, if the chest area or hands experience symptoms of hyperpigmentation, then Arbutin can be used in that area as well.
Combining Arbutin with Other Skincare
The combination of arbutin and other skincare that has the same benefits can make the effect more maximal. Given, arbutin is a substance that tends to be gentle and can be combined with other skin care.
Meanwhile, maybe someone can combine Arbutin with chemical exfoliators (chemical peels) or retinol. Where both can play a role in helping to brighten the skin.
In addition, Arbutin may also be combined with other skin care such as vitamin C and AHAs. However, if you want to combine any skincare you should consult a doctor or dermatologist. Remember, the pH or acidity of a product may be different.
Using Twice a Day
In using Arbutin should be done twice a day, after washing your face thoroughly. In addition, the use of Arbutin should be done before applying a heavy moisturizer to the skin.
The following are some step-by-step tips that may be useful for using the right Arbutin in your skincare routine:
- Clean your face with a gentle cleanser and rinse with water until clean
- Use an exfoliator recommended by a doctor or dermatologist
- Use toner evenly on facial skin
- Use skin care products in the form of creams, gels or serums that contain arbutin as recommended by the doctor
- Use moisturizer evenly on facial skin
- Also apply sunscreen evenly to the face area at the end
Moisturizing in this case will really help to keep the skin properly hydrated. And, it is also necessary to know that applying moisturizer should be done after skincare containing Arbutin is completely dry.
Given, Arbutin takes time to really seep into the skin. If a moisturizer is applied before drying, then the arbutin may not absorb well.
For sunscreen itself, it is also very important to protect the skin from UV rays. Remember, the use of arbutin can make the skin more susceptible to sunlight.
Even if you are already using sunscreen, you should also limit your sun exposure to prevent age spots and sun spots.