Diabetics need to be very cautious in consuming food. Because, there are certain foods that can raise their blood sugar levels. For example, foods that contain artificial sweeteners that can be harmful to diabetics. There is a myth that says, the fruit can be dangerous for people with diabetes. But the fact is, there are some healthy fruit that can be very good for diabetics. These fruits can control diabetes and provide essential nutrients to the body. If consumed in proper quantities and under the supervision of a doctor, this fruit can help control diabetes or high blood sugar levels. This special fruit contain low sugar levels and rich in proteins and vitamins. Here is Best fruit for diabetes control.
Best fruit for diabetes control
- Apples.
Apples are very good for Your consumption. Apples are rich in pectin which can reduce insulin levels are high. Consuming Apple juice or made directly, can provide fiber that makes Your glycemic index remains low and reducing blood sugar levels (glucose).
Apple also has anti-inflammatory substances that help improve your health.
- Pears.
Pears are also rich in pectin which is good for diabetics. If consumed in moderation, pears can control high blood sugar levels. These berries contain anthocyanin and antioxidants. Both can reduce insulin resistance in diabetics.
Studies at Harvard University concluded that those who are consuming a lot of pear-shaped very small possibility of a hit by diabetes. The fruit is also rich in fiber can help decrease cholesterol and smooth metabolism system in the body.
- Berries.
All kinds of berries, such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries, can help lower the glycemic index of diabetics.
- Cherry.
Cherries also contain a low glycemic index. If consumed with the Peel, cherries are rich in fiber which is capable of lowering blood sugar levels in the body. Read also: Cherry health benefits.
- Orange.
In addition to lowering the glycemic index, orange is a rich source of vitamin C, and most importantly, fiber in an orange can modulate blood sugar by slowing the absorption into the blood stream.
Thank you very much for reading Best fruit for diabetes control, hopefully useful.