Blood sugar levels have always changed, especially before and after meals. Normal blood sugar levels before meals range from 70-130 mg/dL. While after eight hours of fasting, blood sugar levels should be less than 100 mg/dL. When blood sugar tests are performed two hours after meals, normal results are less than 140 mg/dL.
What is a blood sugar test?
A blood sugar test or blood glucose test is a test done to measure the amount of sugar in your blood. Blood sugar or glucose is the main energy source of the body. Your body converts the carbohydrates that you eat into glucose.
Blood sugar tests are varied, with different functions. Blood sugar tests can be done simply to determine the blood sugar levels, diagnose diabetes, or to evaluate whether the blood sugar levels of the diabetics are controlled or not.
Learn more about Blood Sugar Control: 13 Steps For Diabetes and Prediabetes.
Blood sugar screening can be done in the clinical laboratory, can also be done by yourself at home using a tool called Glukometer. The trick is to pierce the fingertip with a special needle to remove a little blood. The blood is then dropped on the glucose strip, which is attached to the glucometer. The result can be obtained only within 10-20 seconds.
Testing glucose or blood sugar is done mainly to check the condition of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that causes blood sugar to increase.
What types of blood sugar tests?
To find out if your blood sugar is normal, then there are some blood tests that are usually done. This blood test is done routinely by the diabetics to find out if the disease is still under control or not. Each blood sugar test has different normal methods and levels. Here are some blood sugar tests that are commonly done.
Fasting blood sugar test
This examination requires you to fasting beforehand. Usually, the fasting that is recommended takes approximately 8 hours. Because the fasting blood sugar check is done in the morning, the patient is asked not to eat and drink in the middle of the night.
So far, the fasting blood sugar test is considered as a fairly reliable examination to diagnose diabetic disease. Blood sugar levels that are considered normal in this examination are:
- Normal: Below 100 mg/dl
- Prediabetes: 100-125 mg/dl
- Diabetes: 126 mg/dl or more.
A 2 hour postprandial glucose test
A 2 hour postprandial glucose test is a continuation of fasting blood sugar test. So, if you have already taken the blood samples after the fasting 8 hours full, you will be asked to eat as usual. Then hose 2 hours after eating, your blood sugar level will be checked again.
Actually natural if blood sugar levels rise after meal time. It happens both in healthy people and diabetics. However, in healthy people, blood sugar levels will return to normal after 2 hours of eating.
This is due to their insulin hormones work well to lower blood sugar levels. This condition that does not occur in diabetics, their insulin hormones are not able to work normally. Therefore, their blood sugar will remain high even after 2 hours of eating. Here are the normal levels of 2 hours postprandial blood sugar test.
- Normal: Less than 140 mg/dl
- Prediabetes: 140-199 mg/dl
- Diabetes: 200 mg/dl or more.
Read also: Which is More Dangerous Blood Sugar Levels? Low or High?
Random blood sugar test
This blood sugar test is done at any time, no need of fasting before or arguably unconditional. However, this examination is usually only applied to diabetics. So, if you have a blood sugar check tool at home, you can do this check independently. This is the category of your blood sugar levels, according to blood sugar tests.
- Normal: Below 200 mg/dl
- Diabetes: More than 200 mg/dl
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If you suffer from diabetes and have been given a blood sugar control drug, then your blood sugar levels are also expected to continue in normal numbers. If it continues at normal numbers, your diabetes disease is under control and low risk for complications.