Chronic Disease List That Can Affect Children To The Elderly – The age of children and adolescents is an identical age of cheerfulness, dynamism and both physical and mental development. However, nowadays we often hear a lot of people at a young age who suffer from a disease that was once associated with the elderly.
Stroke as an example the disease is often associated with the disease of the elderly, but in fact, the disease can attack a person at a young age.
In line with this, experts say that chronic diseases can be caused by many factors causing a bad diet, environmental influences, including sm**oking and alco**holic beverages, as well as hereditary factors, and current chronic diseases are the main cause of death.
Chronic Disease List
Here are The Chronic Disease List That Can Affect Children To The Elderly:
The first type of disease to be discussed is skin cancer called Melanoma. Usually the disease, attacking a person aged about 50 years and above. But now, a person who is 20 years old, or even earlier, can get the disease. The disease itself occurs due to skin defence disorders, which usually occur due to several factors.
To overcome and prevent this disease, it is easy. You just have to avoid the blazing sun directly, or even sunbathe, at a vulnerable time at 10 a.m. to 2 noon. If you want to sunbathe, always use sunscreen or sun protection. It’s better to use SPF 30, if no, SPF 15 is enough.
Most vulnerable Age: 65 years and older
May be affected since: 50-years old
How to prevent osteoporosis? Osteoporosis or bone deterioration can be prevented by increasing the intake of calcium and vitamin D, as well as avoiding ciga**rettes. Regular exercise is also important, because strong muscles will help the body frame in support of body weight.
Most vulnerable Age: 65 years
May be suffering from: 20 to 30 years
Again, ciga**rettes include risk factors on stroke attacks at a young age. To prevent it, avoid smo**king and eating fat and salt, and multiply the consumption of fish that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are good for the heart and blood vessels.
Heart disease
Generally, older people experience heart failure, where the heart valve can no longer pump blood to the body optimally.
But lately, a trend shows that young people are also at risk of heart failure. That’s why the disease is very much found in the case. Signs such as shortness of breath after activity, easily tired, swollen legs, dizziness and increased heart rate.
What causes heart failure? The main cause of heart failure is coronary heart disease or blood vessel blockage. It can also be due to high blood pressure that makes the heart strain.
Lastly, due to cardiomyopathy or a disruption of muscle work in the heart. In addition, there are also other conditions that cause heart failure, such as anemia, alco**hol consumption, active thyroid, excess body weight and lack of physical activity.
Everyone who stepped on the age of life tends to have high blood pressure, it is a natural process made by the human body.
Having a well-controlled high blood pressure will adversely affect health, chronic diseases such as heart attack to stroke are ready to quickly get your life.
Note Food intake is consumed like reducing salt intake. Start to exercise regularly and discipline, keeping the ideal weight until quitting smo**king.
Consuming garlic can lower blood pressure naturally without side effects. Try to start consuming this type of kitchen seasoning.
Learn more about Treatment of Hypertension: 2 Principles
What is the most common type of arthritis in older people? Rheumatoid arthritis is most common in elderly people from 65 years old. It is possible for children and older people are experiencing arthritis.
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis is the most common type of arthritis experienced by children, adolescents and older people.
The form of complaints from arthritis experienced in the form of pain, stiffness and swelling that occurs in the joints. This will lead to impaired mobility, if the pain is irresistible then taking a rest and contact the doctor.
In the elderly, women are at higher risk of experiencing arthritis than men. If a person has excessive weight or obesity, then the risk of rheumatoid arthritis is also higher.
Overcoming arthritis in the elderly can be done by starting regular exercise and maintaining the ideal weight so that arthritis does not deteriorate.
17 Other Chronic Diseases.

- Kidney stones
- Kidney failure.
- Heart attack.
- Breast cancer.
- Alzheimer’s.
- Gout.
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Asthma.
- Epilepsy.
- Schizophrenia
- Lupus.
- Thalassemia.
- Hemophilia.
- Hepatitis.
- Leukemia.
Make sure you and your loved family always maintain health and protect yourself with health insurance.
Thank you very much for reading Chronic Disease List That Can Affect Children To The Elderly, hopefully useful.