Circadian Rhythm is an internal and natural process that regulates a sleep-wake cycle repeated approximately every 24 hours. It may refer to a biological process featuring endogenous oscillation, an entrainable of approximately 24 hours.
The 24-hour rhythm is driven by circadian clocks, and this process has been widely observed in plants, animals, fungi, and cyanobacteria.
The term circadian is derived from Latin; Circa, which means “around” (or “roughly”), and diēm, meaning “day”. Formal studies of temporary biological rhythms, such as daily rhythm, tides, weekly, seasonal, and yearly, are called chronologist.
The process with a 24-hour oscillation is more commonly called a diurnal rhythm; In fact, it cannot be called a circadian rhythm unless its endogenic properties are confirmed.
Factors affecting circadian Rhythm
Circadian rhythm is found in humans, animals, plants as well as microbes. The study of circadian rhythm is called Chronobiology. The circadian rhythm is influenced by natural or endogenous factors and environment or exogenous factors.
Endogenous or natural factors
The circadian rhythm is controlled by a biological clock, which is located in a small passage in the hypothalamus shaped like a water drop that contains a collection of cells and is referred to as the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN).
The way SCN works is also influenced by the presence of exogenous factors. SCN will be related to the formation of melatonin hormones. At night when the light is reduced, the brain will be instructed to form melatonin that will induce a sense of drowsiness. While in the morning when the sunlight rises, this melatonin will be inhibited so that we will be awake from sleep.
Exogenous or environmental factors
There are several exogenous factors affecting circadian rhythms, where these factors are related to one another, such as sunlight, Earth rotation, season and temperature.
This season factor is very related to the light factor. And sleep will be more soundly at lower ambient temperature conditions, which is why temperatures can affect circadian rhythm
We can conclude that the circadian rhythm and biological clock are two distinct but interconnected things. Circadian rhythms are influenced by biological clocks, where these biological clocks are influenced by environments such as sunlight and temperature. And in the end our bodies will adapt to the circumstances.
Biological clock of human body Schedule
Biological clocks are also known as circadian rhythms. Biological clocks Follow any changes to the physical, mental, and behavioral activities of humans in a 24-hour cycle. In addition to being regulated by natural factors in the human body, such as suprachiasmatic nerve (SCN) in the brain, usually this rhythm is influenced by light conditions in the environment around a person.
A person’s biological clock can determine the sleep cycle, hormone production, body temperature, and various other bodily functions.
At 07:00-09:00, the gastric working power very strong, so we are encouraged to have a nutritious breakfast at this time. The digestive system in the most efficient condition because the metabolism is more active, so that the fat is absorbed so it is more flammable.
At 11:00-13:00, avoid overheating and physical exercise, especially the part where you have complained in the veins. The immune system decreases, as the white blood cells in fighting infection and disease are less active.
The Liver
In 13:00-15:00 o’clock, the liver condition is weak, so we are encouraged to take a short break, because at this time there will be the process of regeneration of the cells of the liver. The primary body priority is to digest food because energy decreases. Feeling very sleepy is very prevalent in this hour.
At 15:00-17:00, the adrenaline hormone and body temperature are at the highest conditions. This is the best time to exercise. This hour also the lungs function optimally.
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In 17:00 -19:00 o’clock, the human kidney is in strong condition, in the kidney occurs the process of forming bone marrow and brain cells. And this hour is your best time to study.
At 19:00-21:00, stomach conditions are weak. Ask not to consume solid foods that are difficult to digest, and it is better if we stop eating.
At 21:0 – 23:00, the human spleen is in weak condition, in the spleen occurs process of detoxifying the body and the regeneration of the spleen cells. If your face becomes somewhat pale at this hour, it means you have a disturbance to the spleen.
The Heart
At 23:00-01:00, the heart condition is weak. And this is the perfect time to recover your body’s energy.
The Liver
In 01:00-03:00 o’clock, the liver is in strong condition and the process of disposal of toxic body metabolism results as well as the occurrence of cell regeneration. The best time for the body to recover, so you have to sleep at this hour.
At 02.30-04.30, the lung condition is strong. In the lungs there are cleansing and disposal of toxins or dirt. When the lungs are dirty, there will be coughing, sneezing and we become sweating.
At 05:00-07:00, the colon is in strong condition, it is usually to defecate in this hour so that all impurities, toxins and residual digestive system can be removed.