– Climate is the average weather where the weather is the state of the atmosphere at any given time at a certain time.
The climate changes continuously due to interactions between its components and external factors such as volcanic eruptions, variations in sunlight, and the factors caused by human actions such as changes in land use and the use of fossil fuels.
Climate Change Definition
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines Climate change as climate change caused either directly or indirectly by human activity, thus altering the composition of the global atmosphere and natural climate variability in a timely period that can be compared.
The composition of the global atmosphere in question is the composition of earth’s atmospheric material in the form of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) which, among others, consists of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrogen, and so on.
These gases effectively trap heat from sunlight near the Earth’s surface, such as the greenhouse glass walls that store heat in it.
The definition of climate change, according to Wikipedia, is a significant change in weather patterns calculated based on statistical figures over a span of tens to hundreds of years. Many factors influence climate change such as biological processes, sunlight radiation, tectonic pressure, volcanic eruptions, and much more.
While the definition of climate change, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a significant climate change that occurs at a certain period of time.
In other words, climate change can also be interpreted as drastic changes in temperature, rainfall, wind patterns, and so on. Please note that the Earth’s temperature has changed one degree in the last 100 years.
Small changes in greenhouse gases can add up to main changes on a worldwide scale.
On average, the impact of greenhouse gases is to rise global temperatures. This is why climate change is sometimes called global warming.
But most scientists today prefer the term climate change because of the variation of weather and climate around the globe.
Climate change makes a number of surfaces on earth. One of them is the speed of melting ice in the Arctic.
It certainly cannot be considered as something trivial.
Climate change is a long-term change in average weather patterns, both globally and regionally.
Climate change has occurred many times in Earth’s history. But changes in global temperatures and weather patterns seen today are caused by human activity.
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Global Environmental Issues and Causes
Climate Change Factors
So, what are the factors that cause climate change? There are several factors that cause climate change, including:
- Greenhouse gas effect
- Global Warming
- Ozone layer damage
- Damage to forest function
- Uncontrolled Use of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
- Industrial exhaust gas.
Impact of climate change
Later, from climate change that occurs continuously also has its own impacts on people’s lives. Anything at all?
- High rainfall
- Prolonged dry season
- Increased water volume due to melting polar ice
- The occurrence of natural disasters, tornado
- Reduced water sources
Therefore, let’s protect the earth from climate change to reduce the impact of global warming.
How to stop climate change
Climate change can be limited and stopped, but only if we take what the IPCC describes as “rapid, broad-widespread change in all aspects of society”.
First of all, what to do is limit the human practice of creating greenhouse gas emissions. That means there needs to be a change in many aspects of our daily lives, from diet, how to travel and how we produce and buy products.
The second is to reverse the effects of these practices by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) already in the atmosphere. There have been advances in this section, from high-tech carbon capture technology, to simply planting more trees.