A person can be infected and transmit Coronavirus Covid-19 without realizing it. Moreover, if the person does not have a physical sign or symptom.
Coronavirus Tips 2020: COVID-19 Prevention for Yourself
Avoid crowds
The right step to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus Covid-19 is to avoid the crowd. Because in the crowd, we do not know who was infected with Covid-19 especially without symptoms.
By avoiding the crowd, we can protect vulnerable people like the elderly and people with chronic disease. Because, if the person infected with Corona virus, it will be fatal.
Washing hands
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use a disinfectant solution.
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or approximately throughout the song “happy birthday”, sing it twice.
Do not touch the eyes, nose, mouth.
Hands that touch a lot of surfaces can carry viruses. From there, the virus enters the body when you touch the face.
Avoid close contact
Avoid close contact with other people who are sick. Give the distance between yourself and others if the Coronavirus has spread in your community. This is very important for people who are at higher risk for severe pain.
Clean The Furniture
In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the body, you should also keep the house clean. Don’t forget to use disinfectant fluid to clean it regularly so that no germs and viruses are causing the disease to be lodged at home.
Always wash the food ingredients / groceries
Do not forget to wash groceries before eating or stored in the refrigerator. Fruits and vegetables can be cleaned with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar, which is very safe to use for food.
Improve body immunity
Not only take precautions outside of the body’s tissues, but you also need to take precautions from the body.
The trick is to increase immunity or the immune system to various viruses, including the coronavirus COVID-19. Some of the ways that you can improve your immune system is to perform routine physical activity and consume healthy foods that can boost your immune systems.
Read also: Lung Conditions of COVID-19 Patient
Coronavirus Tips 2020: How do we prevent the spread of COVID-19
Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing. Dispose of used sneezing tissue immediately. This avoids saliva that contains viruses spreading to others
Physical distancing
People are required to keep a distance of at least two meters, about two times the stretch of each other’s hand.
Use a mask if you are sick
If you are sick, you should wear a mask when you are around someone else and before you enter the office of the health care provider.
If you can’t wear a mask (for example, because it causes breathing difficulties), then you should do your best to cover when coughing and sneezing.
Additionally, if you are being treated, the caring person should wear a mask if they enter your room.
Avoid sharing personal items
Not stingy, but this is for health together. Keep in mind if Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to three days. Therefore, try to use personal items and not wear them interchangeably.
Stay at home if you get sick and find medical help
And the last Coronavirus tips 2020 is Stay at home if you get sick and find medical help
If you have a cough, fever, and breathing difficulties as soon as possible contact and look for medical help. Then follow the directions of local health authorities.
If experiencing Coronavirus symptoms, the community is advised to immediately contact existing health care services in their respective areas. Let the medic do its job and pay attention to their referrals. It is one way to protect someone and help prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.
Read also: Easy Ways How To Make Healthy Lungs
Thank you very much for reading Coronavirus Tips 2020: COVID-19 Prevention, hopefully useful.