| Foods That Increase ADHD Symptoms – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that occurs in the brain and generally occurs in childhood.
It is usually characterized by lack of focus, hyperactivity, and acting without thinking about it first.
Certain foods may have something to do with children’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Yes, some foods can worsen the symptoms of ADHD.
Where limiting certain types of food will make them feel better. Here are the lists of Foods That Increase ADHD Symptoms.
Foods That Increase ADHD Symptoms
Children with ADHD are advised to avoid some of the foods below:
Foods high in sugar
One type of food for children that should be avoided is those that contain high sugar. Foods that contain high sugar are actually not only those that taste sweet on the tongue, such as chocolate, sweets, cakes, or biscuits, but foods with high sugar content.
Foods with high sugar content are those that contain simple carbohydrates or simplex in large quantities. This type of carbohydrate is easily absorbed by the body, causing blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.
The increase in blood sugar affects higher adrenaline production, giving hyperactive behavior effect in ADHD children. This also applies to foods and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.
Therefore, reduce the consumption of foods high in simplex carbohydrates in ADHD children with complex carbohydrates. For example, foods with basic ingredients of wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin.
Fast food
Fast food does feel more practical and favored by children. However, you should limit the provision of fast food to ADHD children.
In addition to being less healthy, fast food is also believed to increase the risk of behavioral disorders. This is related to the high content of salt, sugar, and fat in these foods.
Fish containing mercury
Not all types of fish are well consumed by ADHD children. Avoid giving fish high in mercury, such as mackerel and swordfish. Eating seafood containing mercury is believed to make children hyperactive.
Consumption of foods and drinks containing caffeine also needs to be avoided by ADHD children. Examples of caffeinated foods and beverages are chocolate, coffee, tea, or fizzy drinks.
Frozen Foods That Increase ADHD Symptoms
Fruits and vegetables include healthy foods that must be given to ADHD children every day.
But know, you should not give your child frozen fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are healthy choices for the diet of ADHD children. But unfortunately frozen foods contain artificial colors and can worsen the symptoms of ADHD.
On the other hand, frozen food contains organophosphates, a synthetic chemical that is present in pesticides to eradicate plant pests.
Instead, then give toddlers with ADHD fresh fruits and vegetables.
Processed foods
Processed foods are usually made with artificial ingredients and synthetic compounds that do not blend well with the natural chemistry of the child’s body. Consuming these unhealthy foods is directly related to emotional distress.
Foods containing additives
Additives such as sodium benzoate used to negatively increase the lifespan of products are known to make children more hyperactive.
Foods that make children allergic
Some children may be allergic to artificial ingredients, additives, artificial colors, and flavors found in processed foods. If your child consumes it, it’s no wonder that he often experiences mood swings or other behavioral problems.
Most artificial colors and flavorings used in soft drink products and fruit juices can be attributed to hyperactivity in children.
Sensitive food
Some children with ADHD have sensitivities to certain foods. Generally, foods that can trigger ADHD symptoms because children are sensitive to these foods are milk, chocolate, eggs, wheat, oranges, grapes, soybeans, beans, corn, and tomatoes. It is important for you to consult the food with a doctor before giving it to your child.
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