The wheelchair is very helpful for some people who have difficulty moving to be able to go about their daily activities. Here are The Types of Wheelchairs
Positron Emission Tomography: Definition, 4 Facts, Function, and How It Works [PET Scan]
What is Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan)? Here are The Definition, 4 Facts, Function, indication, and How It Works, Warnings, Procedure, Before and After
N95 Respirator Mask To Prevent Pollution and 6 Facts
There are different types of masks that can be used to prevent the spread of many types of viruses, including Coronavirus. But protective masks have various types and usefulness. Here are The N95 Respirator Mask To Prevent Pollution and 6 Facts
Infrared Thermometer: 9 Uses, How It Works, and Accuracy
The infrared thermometer is now found in crowded places, such as the MRT station, the airport, to the entrance in some offices. Here are The Uses, Accuracy, and How Infrared Thermometer Works
20 Personal Protective Equipment For Work Safety and Health Worker
For workers, the use of Personal protective equipment (PPE) is very important. Especially if you work in a place that is at high risk of accidents, injuries, or infected diseases, such as in a construction area or in a health facility. Here are The Personal Protective Equipment For Work Safety and Health Worker