How do You Get AIDS? HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is a virus that attacks the immune system. HIV can be fatal if left untreated and can be transmitted in certain circumstances. That’s why it’s important to know exactly how to transmit HIV, so that it can avoid the disease.
Many of the myths are erroneous about the transmission of HIV, so that HIV-evasion is not based on the right reasons. HIV transmission does not go through saliva, sweat, touch, kis**ses, mosquito bites or used toilets. HIV transmission mainly comes from the contact of body fluids such as blood and spe**rm through se**xual behavior and the use of syringes.
It took 5-10 years for HIV disease to cause serious symptoms and effects on the body. This long journey is what makes you need to anticipate as early as possible so as not to be affected by HIV. One of them is to know the medium of transmission and any activity that can be the entrance of the HIV virus into your body. Check out the full review below.
Various things that can be a medium for HIV transmission.
In essence, HIV viruses can only be transmitted through certain bodily fluids in the body, including:
- Blood.
- Spe**rm.
- Pre-seminal fluid (fluid that exits before eja**culation).
- Vagi**nal fluid and rectum.
- Breast milk.
The way of transmission is when the fluid from a positive person in HIV has contact with wounds, damaged tissues, or directly injected into the bloodstream in people who are not infected with HIV (HIV/negative).
How do You Get AIDS?
How do You Get AIDS? Some methods of transmission of HIV that can occur are as follows:
Transmission by se**xual inter**course can occur from men to women or vice versa, as well as in other genders through risky se**xual inter**course. The transmission of HIV can occur when the se**x is through the vagi**na, a**nal, or oral se**x with an HIV-infected spouse. One of the best ways to prevent the transmission of HIV is to use con**doms when having se**x and not changing se**xual partners.
Use of syringes
HIV can be transmitted by syringe contaminated with infected blood. Sharing a syringe or using a used syringe, make a person has a very high risk of contracting the disease, including HIV.
Blood transfusions
In some cases, the means of transmission of AIDS can also occur through blood transfusions. But nowadays it is rare due to the rigorous screening of all donated blood. With a strict feasibility test, it can reduce the blood donor recipients has a risk of HIV.
Pregnant women who suffer from HIV/AIDS will be able to transmit the disease to the fetus.
HIV Transmission through breast milk
Women who suffer from HIV/AIDS can transmit HIV viruses to their children. However, this can be prevented by being wary of early pregnancy to suppress the risk of HIV transmission in infants.
An Open wound
If you have open wounds and are directly in contact with people with HIV / AIDS, you will suffer from a similar illness.
Work at hospital.
Maybe at first glance you think that the health worker is the healthiest person because it has access and knowledge that is capable in the field of health. But what happened was the opposite.
Health officers in hospitals, health centers, or clinics, even in groups of vulnerable people affected by various diseases, ranging from hepatitis to HIV.
These people can experience direct contact with the blood of HIV-positive patients through open wounds. For example, a nurse who is taking the blood of a positive HIV patient. It is not possible if the syringe that has been used by HIV positive patients is not intentionally stuck to the skin of the health officer (also known as needle-stick injury);
If blood contaminated with HIV affects mucous membranes such as eyes, nose, and mouth; Or if HIV-contaminated blood affects open wounds in the skin.
However, the chances of skin accidents stuck to used syringes are small, less than one percent.
The risk of health service personnel infected by HIV will be very low, especially if they always use personal protective equipment (such as masks, hospital scrub / robes, headgear, special glasses, and gloves) with complete and correct on duty, Also always take care to handle sharp objects and blood scars.
Other ways:
Other rarer ways, such as tattoos, organ and tissue transplants, artificial insemination, semi-invasive medical measures in principle do not use disposable and unsterile tools.
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