| How Many Times a Day Should You Pee? Are you the type of person who urination twice a day like your coworkers? Or maybe you are the type of person who can work many hours without going to the toilet no matter how much water you drink.
The pattern of urination that is not uniform in each person, often cause the question: How often of the frequency of urination that can be considered normal in a day?
Some people may only know if it is not good to hold urination for health. Urination is indeed a normal part of everyday human life. But the frequency of urination in a day often ignored. But from the amount of urine, can be known health condition of a person,.
How Many Times a Day Should You Pee?
A healthy person can urinate about four to ten times a day. Within 24 hours, the normal frequency of urination was 6-8 times. While the number of urine issued in a day ranges from 400 to 2,000 ml, with a normal fluid intake of about 2 liters per day. Nevertheless, everyone has a frequency of urination in a day.
Your urinary frequency is affected by the amount factor and type of fluid you are drinking.
Caffeine and alco**hol are irritating to the bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently.
Your bladder sensitivity also plays a role. Some people feel it must be immediately go to the toilet when the bladder is filled with a little urinary, but there are also people who are feeling the need to go the toilet after the bladder is completely full.
Kidney organs in your body play an important role in urine production. The kidneys will filter your blood, as well as remove substances that are not needed by the body through your urine. Therefore, changes in the frequency of urination may indicate problems with your kidneys or urinary tract, or other health disorders.
Read also: 10 most common bad habits that damage your kidneys.
Factors that affects the frequency of urination.
There are several factors that can affect the frequency of urination in a day. These factors include:
Often, a person’s frequency of urination will increase as the age increases. For people over 60 years old, for example, to wake up twice in the evening to urinate is still relatively normal. This habit will be different if compared to those under 60 years old, where the average only wakes up once at night to urinate.
Other factors.
- Bladder size.
- Fluid Intake.
- Types of fluids Consumed.
- Presence of certain health conditions.
- Drug consumption.
- Special circumstances, such as pregnancy or postnatal, can affect how often you urinate as well. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman urinates more frequently due to fluid changes as the bladder pressures from the growing fetus. While after childbirth, a woman will experience an increase in the frequency of urination up to eight weeks. This occurs due to the effect of additional fluid intake that may be received during childbirth from infusion, and drugs as a natural response of the body to remove such fluid after childbirth..
Read also: 18 Causes of Frequent Urination Men
When can someone worry?
After knowing How Many Times a Day Should You Pee, then when can someone worry?
If you experience pain or a burning sensation during urination, then it is a right time to worry. Also, if you pee more than 10 times a day, it could be a sign of there is a problem in the body.
Even a high frequency of urination said that there was a serious health problem. The more often the more serious.
Often woke up at night to pee
If you have a habit of waking up at night to just pee, it is still quite normal. Even those who never woke up to this also could still be considered normal.
However, as you grow older, you may wake up once at night to urinate. Which is so the problem is overnight, you pee 5 times. Be aware.
Thank you very How Many Times a Day Should You Pee? Hopefully useful.