The appearance of the bags under eyes can interfere with a person’s facial appearance because it makes a person’s face look tired and older. Bags under the eyes can occur due to swelling caused by a buildup of fluid around the eyes, also called periorbital edema. The appearance of bags under the eyes because of fluid buildup is temporary, in contrast to that caused by aging.
Generally, women feel disturbed if bags under eyes starts appearing and willing to spend money to remove it so that their appearance looks to remain interesting. In fact, we can prevent the emergence of the SAC of the eye without the expensive costs.
How To Prevent Bags Under Eyes

For those of you who don’t want to have bags under eyes or to prevent bags under eyes following these tips:
Increase Drinking Water.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. To prevent fluid deficiency or dehydrated, because dehydration can cause the formation of bags under eyes.
Do not stay up.
Although not a main causal factor, lack of sleep can make us stressed and will bring up other health problems, lack of sleep can make your skin pale and more will be added so that the shadows and tired eyes and bags under eyes.
Sleep on a regular basis.
Lack of time for sleep can lead to the occurrence of the bags under eyes. A healthy bedtime duration between 7-9 hours per day. For a time, night’s sleep better than at noon.
Go to bed early
People who do not get enough sleep at night will make the blood vessels in the body dilate, resulting in increased blood flow.
In addition, the skin under the eyes is thinner, so it easily changes color to dark, caused by increased blood flow. This is what causes the appearance of eye bags. Try to sleep for seven to eight hours each night to help remove eye bags.
Taking vitamins and nutrients.
Lack of intake of nutrients and vitamins can be bad for the health of the body, one of which occurs bags under eyes. Vitamin plays an important role in helping the work of the adrenaline glands. When these glands undergo fatigue caused by several factors such as the stress, sugar, and caffeine. This can inhibit and interfere with absorption of vitamins, so the impact of the poor face looks swollen and visible swelling and bags under eyes.
Thank you very much for reading How To Prevent Bags Under Eyes, hopefully useful.