– In some cases, pregnancies, some pregnant women experience the condition of the Leaking Amniotic Fluid before time. Worse, most pregnant women do not realize it. This should be very wary of, given the risk of being very fatal for the fetus.
The Amniotic fluid is a protective fluid for the fetus that is in the uterine sac or the amniotic membrane during pregnancy. In addition to allowing the infant to move freely in the uterine sac before birth, the amniotic fluid also serves to control the temperature inside the uterine sac, so that the fetus remains comfortable.
If the amniotic membrane is torn, there will be leakage resulting in the Leaking Amniotic Fluid. At the age of 36 weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid will be decreased because the body is preparing the baby’s birth process.
It is natural that the amniotic fluid seeps, but if the seepage is too much and continuous, it can be harmful to the fetus. The condition is called an early amniotic rupture or Premature ruptures of membranes (PROM). Now, it is necessary for the mother to be aware by recognizing its symptoms and dangers for the mother and the fetus.
The Amniotic fluid is usually broken when the pregnant woman begins to undergo a uterine contraction to give birth to the baby. However, there are times when the untimely breakage, which can lead to serious complications.
Some time before the fetus or baby is born, the oat will break and the liquid that is called the amniotic fluid will go out through the vagi**na. Generally within 24 hours after the amniotic sac is broken, the baby will be born.
But if after that time the baby is not born, or the membranes rupture before the age of the womb of 37 weeks, then the condition is said to be a premature rupture.
For various problems related to pregnancy, the problem of the Amniotic Fluid becomes the most common in pregnant women, whether it is seeping, leaking, or even broke before the time.
Ironically, most pregnant women are unaware of this condition, but the problem of pregnancy related to the Amniotic Fluid is a high risk that can threaten the life of the fetus. This is why mothers need to know the danger of Leaking Amniotic Fluid.
Read also: Cramps during pregnancy.
Signs of Leaking Amniotic Fluid.

When pregnant, the mother will produce a lot of fluid from the feminine area. It is not surprising if the mother cannot distinguish whether the fluid that seeps is amniotic fluid or urine. This is why a lot of pregnant women are unaware when the amniotic fluid is leaking, or even has broken.
Therefore, it is important for mothers to know the signs of the Leaking Amniotic Fluid. Here are some of them:
Know the characteristic of the amniotic fluid.
The amniotic fluid is certainly different from urine. The fluid is clear to yellowish, and when seeping into the panties will leave the white spots. Usually, the seeping or leaking amniotic fluid is sometimes followed by the discharge of mucus, even blood. Nevertheless, the amniotic fluid has no smell. Unlike urine that has a typical urea odor.
Exit Continuously.
The fluid goes out through Miss V. Mother could feel the symptoms while seeping, but the mother could not hold it. In fact, the Leaking Amniotic Fluid usually occurs continuously with varying volumes, depending on how severe the leaks are experienced by the mothers. If the mother has a lot of leakage, immediately visit the midwife or obstetrician to do the check.
The emergence of pressure in the lower abdomen.
The most noticeable sign of leaking amniotic fluid is the pressure in the lower abdomen. In some cases, this condition is also accompanied by a painful contraction in the abdomen and back. This could be a sign that the baby wants to get out of the mother’s stomach immediately.