7 Days Lemon Water Diet to lose weight 10 kg – Excess weight is a problem that many people suffer. Lifestyle and food affect the weight that we have. If you are living an inactive life and a bad diet, this will gain weight.
You should pay close attention to what you eat and physical activity that you do.
Maybe you are already doing everything for weight loss, but it often fails.
Many women are still confused in finding the right way to lose weight but still fun. If possible, the method should not be tortured and tiring.
Some of dieting does seem too heavy and make people bored. As a result, weight problems still haunt and become the same resolution every year.
Have you tried the lemon water diet?
Lemon water is potent to help lose weight. The University of Jogakuen in Japan even suggested that anyone with a troubled weight routinely consumes it. No need to fear about stomach ulcers, lemon fruit is a natural therapy that is beneficial to overcome the ulcer.
As is widely known, lemon is great for detoxifying the body and helping to lose weight.
Did you know that lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice?
In addition, this fruit has an ingredient called pectin which reduces the absorption of sugar.
This means you stop collecting what will later become fat in the stomach.
How to make Lemon water Diet?
Honey Lemon Water.
Ingredients how to make Honey Lemon Water:
- 1 lemon
- 2 tbsp honey (not sugar)
- 1 cup water
How to make honey lemon Water:
- Wash clean lime/lemon to avoid dust and keep the drink hygienic
- Thinly sliced lime/lemon, do not be too thick.
- Put honey into a glass (do not use sugar because it can trigger weight gain).
- Add the lime and water, then stir gently.
- Let stand for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator
- 6. After the water is felt enough sour, infuse honey lime water ready to be enjoyed.
- Drink Infuse Honey Lime Water regularly can reduce body weight up to 3-5 kg in a week, along with a healthy diet and exercise, of course.
Plain Water and Lemon
How to make a lemon water diet for the most practical diet is to use plain water and lemon. It is very easy, that is only squeeze the lemon as many as 5 pieces, then mix with 1 cup of water. Drink routinely 3 times a day.
Lemon with Ginger
The combination between lemon and ginger is able to lose weight effectively. This is because vitamin C in the lemon will help destroy the fat in the body, while the content of Zingiber in Ginger is useful to reduce hunger. Thus, it is not surprising within 7 days that the weight will go down, when doing the lemon water diet routinely.
It is also very easy, namely:
- Clean 2 segments of ginger, then boil using 1 cup of water. Let stand until boiling, or the water to stay 1/2 glasses.
- Then squeeze 5 pieces of lemon, or at least up to 1/2 cups of lemon
- Then water decoction of ginger and lemon juice.
To achieve maximum results, drink 1 glass a mixture of these ingredients, 2 times a day every morning and night.
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7 Days Lemon Water Diet to lose weight 10 kg
Here’s the 7-day Lemon Diet plan you have to go through.
The first day.
Add some slices of lemon to the warm water.
Drink the water of this lemon mixture three times a day, 30 minutes before you eat.
The second day.
Drink a glass of lemon water in the morning and evening.
During the day, drink plenty of plain water before and after meals.
Third day.
Repeat the rule of the first day.
Drink water slices of lemon with warm water three times a day.
The fourth day.
Repeat the rule of the 1st day.
The fifth day.
You still have to repeat the rule of the first day.
The sixth day.
You have to drink one glass of lemon water in the morning and evening.
During the day, you have to drink plenty of water.
The seventh day, drink lemon water in the morning with an empty stomach.
After seven days.
Drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach.
After seven days, You do this lemon water diet, the weight of your body will drop drastically.
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Not only that, the body will be healthier because the toxins that are in the body are cleansed.