Olive oil and lemon juice are both widely used in alternative medicine. Together, they offer a powerful combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.
If you want to add lemon juice and olive oil to your daily consumption, the right dose is half a tablespoon each. Do not take more than one dose per day because too much can have some side effects such as abdominal pain and the softened tooth enamel.
Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Beauty and Health Benefits
Helps erode stubborn belly fat
Olive oil and lemon juice together offer benefits that support healthy digestion and satisfy hunger with less food. The capacity of this mixture to support the liver and gallbladder leads to effective fat digestion and faster metabolism as well as anti-inflammatory effects.
Lemon juice and olive oil also contain essential fatty acids that actually metabolize fat stored in the abdominal area. That means a slimmer body and a lower risk of heart disease.
Helps Prevent Premature Aging
Antioxidants are essential for slowing the effects of aging because they can ward off bad free radicals.
It’s those free radicals that cause you to look older.
The reason is, free radicals tend to attack throughout the body and cause damage to healthy cells.
Antioxidants can bind to free radicals and stop damaging free radicals.
A spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice daily can produce a powerful antioxidant kick.
In addition, you also add vitamin E, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles on your skin.
Not only you will look young, you will also feel young because your body is healthy.
The mixture of the two ingredients contains monounsaturated fats.
While the minerals contained in its support the function of your organs, especially the kidneys, liver, and digestive system.
Lowering cholesterol
No doubt, both are the right mixture to lower cholesterol levels.
Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy fats.
Olive oil is also known to help maintain good HDL cholesterol levels and can reduce the risk of heart disease.
In addition, lemon also has the same function in terms of lowering blood pressure and increasing good HDL cholesterol.
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Extra virgin olive oil contains heart-healthy antioxidants, such as tocopherol as a natural form of vitamin E.
According to Richard Ash, MD, of The Ash Center, these antioxidants can apparently help reduce the risk of heart disease by protecting the body from cholesterol oxidation.
In other words, the condition of blockage of blood flow and hardening of the arteries that lead to heart disease can be prevented.
In addition, olive oil contains powerful anticoagulants to fight heart disease that thins the virgin, reducing the chances of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.
On the other hand, lemon with potassium content is recommended because it is very good for people with heart disease and high blood pressure.
Gastrointestinal health
Fresh lemons are known to have antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities.
This content is known to treat various stomach problems including abdominal pain, indigestion, stomach acid, and cramps.
The carminative effect of lemon is very good for the digestive tract because it can help reduce gas and bloating.
In addition, the benefits of a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice if consumed before meals are known to prevent peptic ulcers and constipation.
Curing constipation
A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice can activate your digestive system. The ingredients of this mixture can also improve your liver function. Vitamin C present in lemon juice can help regenerate the liver.
Cleaning the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys
Consuming olive oil is known to prevent the growth of gallstones.
In addition, drinking a mixture of lemon, olive oil, and water an hour before breakfast can help detoxify the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys.