| Parts of Brain and Functions – The brain is one of the vital organs in humans. The brain has its own part and function, each of which has certain tasks affecting the body’s work system. Here are some parts of the brain and its functions you need to know.
The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. The brain is composed of a number of support networks and 100 billion more nerve cells that communicate with the system with trillions of connections called Synapse.
The brain is on the head and is protected by a wrapper layer called the brain membrane (meninges) and a covering called the skull. At the bottom or base, the brain is connected to the spinal nerves. Both the brain and spinal cord organs are known as the central nervous system (CNS).
The spinal cord is tasked with sending information to and from the brain. The central nervous system will cooperate with the peripheral nervous system to convey the message from the brain to various parts of the body. These two nervous systems give a person the ability to walk, talk, and other activities.
Parts of Brain and Functions
Here are the complete Parts of Brain and Functions
The Big Brain (Cerebrum)
Called the big brain because this part is the largest part of the brain. The large brain is divided into two, i.e. Left brain and right brain. The big brain or cerebrum consists of several parts or lobes, i.e. Frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital. These sections have specific functions.
- The frontal lobe is responsible for the functioning of the brain as a problem solver, thinking, regulating the plan, concentration, and regulating the movement of the body (motor function).
- The temporal lobe has a responsibility in terms of managing the memory and hearing, as well as capturing the emotions of others.
- For parietal lobes, the function is to be responsible in terms of the sensation of the senses, the position of the body, and writing.
- Meanwhile, the responsibility of the occipital lobe is regulating the human vision system.
Right brain and left brain
What is the difference between the right and left brain?
The left brain is a large hemisphere brain on the left. In general, the right hemisphere controls creativity, spatial skills, artistry, and musical skills.
Then, the left brain is a large hemisphere brain on the right. In general, the left cerebral hemisphere controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing.
The left cerebral hemisphere is dominant in the use of hands and languages at about 92% of people. These two brains are connected by an axon, the corpus callosum.
Midbrain and Brainstem
What is the center of the brain? The center of the brain consists of the tectum and tegmentum. Often the midbrain, Pons, and medulla oblongata are called together as the brainstem. This section serves to connect the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord.
In addition, this section also performs many automatic functions such as breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, cough, vomiting, and swallowing.
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Where is the small brain located? Small Brain or Cerebellum is the largest part of the hindbrain, where it is located above the brainstem and under the occipital of the cerebrum. The small brain has a squiggly surface and has a form of baseball. The cerebellum is divided into 3 parts, namely:
- Vestibulocerebellum, the small brain that serves to control and maintain the balance of eye movements
- Spinocerebellum, the small brain part that serves to control the muscle’s ability as well as body movements
- Cerebrocerebellum, that is the small brain part that serves as a memory storage, initiating a conscious movement, and to do the planning.
Broadly, the small brain has a wide range of functions such as:
- Controlling the body movement and balance, such as adjusting the body position
- Help improve motor systems such as coordination of muscle movements, so when a small brain is injured, the condition can affect the uncoordinated body movements due to the disruption of the attitudes and coordination of muscle movements.
Maninges is a thin membrane or coating that serves as a covering and protective of the brain as well as the spinal nerves. The maninges have three layers, namely the thicker outer layer (the dura mater), the middle and thin membrane (arachnoid layer) and the inner layer (Pia mater).
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebro-spinal fluid is a clear and transparent fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. This fluid serves to remove waste products or residual metabolism from the brain, carrying nutrients through the blood to the brain, moistened and protects the brain and spinal cord.
This fluid circulates through the chambers called ventricles that reside in the brain. The sheer amount of fluid is controlled by the brain. The cerebro-spinal fluid comes from the choroid plexus that resides in the ventricular part of the brain.
6 Other important parts of the brain
- Corpus callosum a bunch of nerve fibers that are between the 2 hemispheres of the brain. Fibers that connect the left brain and right brain.
- The thalamus serves as a transmitter of all the information that comes and runs between the brain and the entire nervous system.
- Hypothalamus serves to secrete hormones that regulate metabolism, reproduction, blood pressure, emotion, appetite and sleep patterns.
- Ventrikel room contains fluid that resides in the brain.
- The pineal gland serves for se**xual development and produces several hormones such as hormone melatonin.
- The limbic System serves to regulate emotions or feelings.
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Why is it important to know the functions of the brain and keep the brain in its function properly? It is important for us to know the functions of the brain and keep the brain in its function properly. Because, as we get older, every human brain will change and will affect one’s mental functioning.
You should avoid injury to your head, and avoid smo**king and drinking alco**holic beverages. Always in a healthy lifestyle, exercise routine, and occasionally do brain gymnastics.
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Thank you very much for reading Parts of Brain and Functions, hopefully useful.