In addition to being used as a seasoning, red onions can also be utilized as a traditional medicine.
In fact, medical therapy utilizing the tuber with the scientific name Allium Cepa L. Was recorded for a long time with people since ancient times.
To increase its usefulness in the healing process, it is certainly recommended for anyone choosing quality onions.
The following characteristics of onion with good quality:
- Has normal or not deformed
- Moderately dry conditions
- A bit hard if it’s squeezed
- The aroma is strong
- Light-colored tuber skin
- Not being germinated.
Nutritional content of red onions
A review of red onions nutritional content, onion is not a foodstuff that includes sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, or potential minerals.
Where, these components are in the shallots but the number is small.
However, onions contain essential oils. This component is actually widely utilized for some things, including:
- Food flavoring
- Bactericide
- Fungicide
- Efficacious for medicines.
The following information about the list of chemical composition of onions per 100 grams of ingredient:
- Water: 88.00 grams
- Carbohydrates: 9,20 grams
- Protein: 1.50 gram
- Fat: 0.30 gram
- Vitamin B: 0.03 mg
- Vitamin C: 2.00 mg
- Kalisum: 36.00 mg
- Iron: 0.80 mg
- Phosphorus: 40.00 mg
- Energy: 39.00 mg
- Applicable ingredient: 90.99 percent
Red Onions Benefits
The number of chemical compounds or nutrients contained in the onions, making these bulbs believed to have many health benefits.
Onions can be used in medical therapy to address a variety of health problems. Here are some benefits:
Lowering fever
Fever is not actually a disease, but a state of increased body temperature.
This condition is often a sign of viral and bacterial infections of the body. Once the infection is cured, the body temperature will usually decrease by itself.
Some diseases with fever symptoms, including cough, cold, throat infections, diarrhea, mumps, measles, smallpox.
To reduce fever, onions can be used by consumption or as a topical medication. When you want to consume, onions can be pounded with lime juice.
Onions can also be baked, then crushed and added honey until formed a viscous solution. The solution can be drunk 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
As for the topical medication, the raw onions can be pounded first then mixed with ginger. After that, the ingredient is just applied around the neck evenly.
Onions are known to contain alkaloid derivatives, which are antipyretic. These compounds can reduce fever, while acting as a natural antibiotic against the germs.
Vitamin C
Onions contain vitamin C. The various benefits of vitamin C, including:
- Helps to protect and keep the body’s cells healthy,
- Assists the formation of collagen, and contains antioxidants that protect the body from damage from free radicals, toxic chemicals, and pollution.
- Maintain bones, muscles, and blood vessels.
- Increase the absorption of iron by the body.
Improving Blood Circulation
Rich in iron, copper, and potassium, consuming onions can help stimulate the production of red blood cells.
The content of onion can help increase blood circulation to be able to transport more oxygen to important areas of the body.
In addition, this content can increase the body’s energy and also accelerate cell regrowth.
Vitamin B6
This Vitamin is found in many sources of animal and vegetable food, including onions. Vitamin B6 plays a role in the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 may also be thought to reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.
Folate (Vitamin B9)
This nutrient is certainly not sound foreign to pregnant women. In 100 grams of onions, contained 30 micrograms of folate. Folate has many health benefits, such as:
- Prevent fetal defects in the womb, and play a role in maintaining maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. Because it does not hurt pregnant women add onions in the daily food menu to increase the intake of folate.
- Some research mentions that low levels of folate in the body can lead to increased risk of cancer. Although it still needs to be researched further, it is good to increase the intake of folic acid through onions in food.
- Along with vitamin B6 and B12, folate is thought to be instrumental in preventing heart disease and stroke.
Controlling cholesterol levels
Onions contain compounds called allicin, which can help control cholesterol levels in the body.
These compounds produce reductase enzymes, which can help control cholesterol production.
Promotes cardiovascular health
As mentioned above, the onions are rich in allicin and thus help in regulating cholesterol levels in your body.
These ingredients help improve your cardiovascular health because low cholesterol levels in the body can help prevent atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.
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