The human normally breathes at least 12-20 times per minute. But there are times when our breathing or respiration is interrupted so the breath becomes difficult, uncomfortable, or unable to breathe at all. Here are some of the common respiratory disorders in humans.
Breathing is an air exchange process that is needed and that is not needed by the body. This system works by filtering the air so that it provides oxygen for the body. The waste product of the respiratory system in the form of carbon dioxide is excreted when exhaling.
The respiratory system also serves to adjust the body temperature and humidity of surrounding air. Other functions that are not less important is the sense of smell (nose), sound producer, and help in regulating the balance and maintenance of the functions of various systems of organs in the body.
Types of Respiratory Disorders
There are various types of respiratory disorders common to humans. Here are some of them:
It is one of the most common respiratory disorders. This disease can take place in the long run and caused by inflammation or narrowing of the respiratory tract. The perceived complaint is usually shortness of breath, chest pain accompanied by coughing, and wheezing. Asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors, ranging from cold allergies, exposure to dust, ciga**rette smoke, animal feathers, fatigue, or stress.
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Pneumonia is a respiratory disorder that is triggered by viruses or bacteria, causing infections or inflammation of the pulmonary organs. In addition to shortness of breath, other common symptoms of sufferers are coughs and fever. In some cases, pneumonia can also cause the sufferer to produce thick phlegm that is mixed with blood.
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Tuberculosis (TB)
TUBERCULOSIS is a lung disease caused by the bacterial infection Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
In addition to infecting the lungs, the bacteria also infect parts of the body.
When bacteria enter the lungs, the bacteria will cause infections and trigger the immune system to move towards the infected area and immediately eat the bacteria to avoid widespread.
When the immune system is weak, the bacteria can enter the blood circulation and the lymph system to infect other organs.
A lymphatic system is a secondary system that serves to drain lymph in the body.
TB sufferers, usually easy to get tired, weight drops drastically, lethargic, loss of appetite, cold sweats at night, breathing difficulty, and coughing up blood.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
This disease is a problem of irritation to the lungs that can cause asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. In fact, in the rainy season, the sufferer can take the risk of these three breathing problems at the same time.
Chronic bronchitis
Irritation caused by bronchus and Bronchiolus will stimulate the secretion of increasing mucus production. Consequently, the flow of air becomes clogged with mucus and this causes persistent cough.
Emphysema occurs because of the damage to the fine wall of alveoli. It can reduce the normal gas exchange of the lungs. This condition develops slowly and rarely leads to immediate death.
Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx because of infections, so the pain arises when swallowing food or esophagus feel dry. This disorder is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The usual bacteria that attack this disease is Streptococcus pharyngitis.
Inflammation can also occur due to too much smo**king, characterized by pain when swallowing and dry taste in the esophagus.
Influenza (flu)
Influenza disease is caused by influenza virus. Symptoms include colds, nasal congestion, sneezing, and sore throat. Influenza is an acute respiratory tract infection mainly characterized by fever, chills, pain muscles, headaches and often accompanied by a cold, sore throat and a cough that is not phlegm. Long illness lasts between 2-7 days and usually cured itself.
Read also: Respiratory Diseases That Need to be Wary of