} Stage 1 Lung Cancer Symptoms – Most sufferers of lung cancer do not experience symptoms until the disease spreads. Some people experience subtle symptoms of lung cancer early stage, but these symptoms are more often derived from other health problems or factors like smo**king.
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), most types of lung cancer do not cause symptoms to spread to other parts of the body. However, some people experience subtle symptoms during the early stages of the disease.
Read More: Types of Lung Cancer and The Stages, Which is the most dangerous?
The Stage 1 Lung Cancer Symptoms are usually caused by some other causes. However, people experiencing these symptoms should consider visiting a physician as a precautionary measure.
Stage 1 Lung Cancer Symptoms
Persistent cough
Cough constantly is a symptom that is commonly found in people with lung cancer. Usually, a cough is caused by something like flu or allergies.
However, if the cough does not stop for a long period of time, it may be an early symptom of lung cancer.
The presence of cancer in the respiratory tract can cause irritation to the throat and make the patient cough continuously.
Not only that, the symptoms of lung cancer can also be found when the sufferer has a bloody cough. If you have entered this stage, it is a good idea to consult the doctor immediately.
Shortness of breath
Another common early symptom of lung cancer is shortness of breath that can arise not due to heavy activity. Shortness of breath can be experienced even when running activities as usual. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult your doctor.
Coughing up Blood
In medical terms, a bloody cough is referred to as a haemoptysis which includes one of the common symptoms of lung cancer. Usually the blood that comes out in the form of mucus is somewhat reddish in color because it contains blood. A cough that produces 2 teaspoons of blood can be considered a medical emergency.
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Feeling pain in the chest
If lung cancer has already spread to the chest wall or cause swelling of the lymph nodes in the area, it will cause pain in the chest, back, and shoulders. Chest pain caused by lung cancer will deteriorate when coughing, laughing, and deep breathing.
If pain in the chest is felt continuously or severe it should be investigated immediately. If experiencing symptoms with other characteristics of heart attack diseases such as chest pressure, sweating, nausea, dizziness, or shortness of breath that is a medical emergency and signifying you should go to the doctor.
Breathing problems that are an early sign associated with lung cancer are not just shortness of breath. Other respiratory problems can also arise as something more subtle like hoarseness and wheezing sound. Wheezing itself is a term to describe the condition of high-pitched sound when breathing like whistling sound.
Losing weight in a drastic amount
Patients with lung cancer generally will lose weight in a very long while the disease is present, it can even occur suddenly. This condition is caused by the cancer cells continue to develop, thus draining the whole energy and nutrients in the body.
Try to keep an eye on your weight changes that can decrease drastically. It cannot be ignored because it can be a potential for lung cancer or a sign of any other disease.
If you want to minimize the lack of a considerable weight change, You need to be consistent in fixing a lifestyle such as sleep quality, more diligent exercise and maintain a diet.
Experiencing sound changes to be heavier and hoarseness
The sound condition is subject to heavier and hoarsenous changes can be one of the symptoms of lung cancer, especially if not returning to normal sound for a long time. You need know that lung cancer can affect the vocal cords.
In addition, cancer cells that develop in the body can clog the respiratory tract and trigger inflammation. Without realizing it, You can produce a distinctive sound when breathing like a wheezing.
When the sound does not improve after 2 weeks of fasting talk and enough rest, it’s good to see a doctor immediately. Cancer cells can affect the nerves, thus holding the control of the vocal cords.
Red More: The Early Signs Of Lung Cancer That You Should Beware Of
Thank you very much for reading Stage 1 Lung Cancer Symptoms, hopefully useful. However, it is important to note that cough symptoms, chest pains, and shortness of breath often do not appear in the early stages. That’s what makes handling to the sufferer too late. Finally, they just came to the doctor when it was at stage 4.