Treatment For Ovarian Cancer – Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor growth in the ovaries. Ovarian cancer can spread to other parts of the body if not immediately addressed. Usually, the treatment of ovarian cancer depends on the location, size, how far has grown and spread, its type, how its cell form, and your health condition in general.
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Various options of treatment for ovarian cancer
Here is a wide range of treatments to treat ovarian cancer that the doctor usually recommended:
Regular surgery is the first step a doctor to treat ovarian cancer.
In some cases, the doctor may recommend removing the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and also the Fallopian tubes. In addition, the lymph tissues around cancer and other tissues affected by cancer cells will also be removed. Surgery can be done many times, depending on how far the cancer has spread. However, if you have never had a child, usually the doctor will not eliminate all your reproductive organs.
Surgery can also be intended as a biopsy to take tumor tissue samples to diagnose the type of tumor and its severity stage.
Despite curing, but the action of cancer surgery poses a variety of risks. One of them is the sufferers can not have children anymore.
The next Treatment For Ovarian Cancer is Chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy is done to eradicate the cancer cells that exist in the body after the patient performs a surgical action.
Chemotherapy is done by giving medicines to kill the cancer cells. This action will usually be combined with surgery and radiotherapy.
Chemotherapy also saves side effects. One of them damaging the good organs that exist in the body.
It occurs because the drug is inserted through the vein, which will automatically spread throughout the body.
After surgery and chemotherapy is performed, radiation is performed when the cancer cells remain in the body. Treatment with radiation does not cause pain. However, this treatment has side effects such as irritation to the skin until nausea.
Targeted therapy / anti angiogenesis therapy
Targeted therapy is done with the use of drugs when cancer cells attack healthy cells. The drug used is able to stop the growth of cancer cells in the body.
This targeted therapy was first approved in 2011 by the European Commission on the outcome of two major studies conducted in Europe and the Americas, and was approved as a first-line treatment of cancer in advanced ovarian cancer patients.
Treatment with targeted therapy is better than chemotherapy, because healthy cells will not be killed. Target therapy works by attacking the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), disconnecting the process of angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) in cancer cells, thus making the cancer cell starving and dying slowly. Thus, the therapy is also called anti-angiogenesis therapy.
Clinical trials
Clinical trials are conducted as one of the ways used to optimize the treatment that has been done.
Methods of intervention
The intervention method is one of the minimally invasive treatment or minimally wound treatments.
In fact, the method of intervention is chemotherapy treatment, but more targeted. Because, it is done many times until the cancer cells shrink, even disappear.
When compared to conventional chemotherapy, the method of intervention is somewhat more effective because the drug used has directly led to the center of cancer cells through the process of catheterization.
Also, in such a way the side effects of the drug do not affect other parts of the body that are healthy, as occurs in conventional chemotherapy.
The drug is used in the method of intervention, namely chemo drugs or herbal medicine.
Immunotherapy is a method of cancer treatment with the mechanism of strengthening the immune system to fight cancer. Under normal conditions, immune function to fight infection or disease that enters the body. Initially the immune system also fights cancer cells, but these cells are too “shrewd” to trick and be able to change and adapt to avoid damage from immune systems.
When cancer cells and T cells interact, a protein in cancer cells called PD-L1 paralyzes the T cells so that immune cells cannot recognize and kill cancer cells. Through immunotherapy, this interaction is prevented so that T cells can detect and eradicate cancer cells.
Immunotherapy works by preventing the interaction between the T cells belonging to the immune system with cancer cells.
Proper handling minimizes risk so that treatment can be faster.
Read also: How To Prevent Ovarian Cancer
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