| What Does A Pulmonary Embolism Feel Like? Here are The Symptoms, signs And Treatment.
Pulmonary embolism is a condition when the pulmonary artery is clogged. The pulmonary artery is a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart towards the lungs. Pulmonary artery plugs are usually blood clots that come from the feet, or other parts of the body.
Does a blood clot hurt your life? The size of blood clots that clog most is quite small, so it does not harm life. Despite the slight, the blood clot can still damage the lungs. Pulmonary embolism requires immediate treatment to reduce the risk of lung damage that can be fatal.
Risk factors for pulmonary embolism
The following are some conditions that may increase the risk of pulmonary embolism due to blood clots, among others:
- Have experienced blood clots.
- Aged 60 years or older.
- Overweight or obesity.
- Pregnancy. The risk of pulmonary embolism will increase up to six weeks of postnatal.
- Smo**king.
- Family history with pulmonary embolism.
- Suffer from heart disease or cancer.
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What Does A Pulmonary Embolism Feel Like?
Similarly, with other ailments, pulmonary embolism disease certainly does not come suddenly. There are always symptoms or signs that come as a characteristic that begins before the disease is developmental and is worse, requiring intense handling.
Why is a patient’s delay in diagnosis most often caused by the patient itself? However, in general, the patient’s delay in diagnosis is most often caused by the patient itself who feels reluctant or more likely to ignore the perceived symptoms.
Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism vary depending on the amount of lung tissue affected, blood clot size, and other diseases of the lungs and heart. Then, What Does A Pulmonary Embolism Feel Like? Some signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism are:
Shortness of breath.
This happens suddenly, while doing activities that require power is greater than usual.
Chest Pain.
What does chest pain feel like? Chest pain that can feel like suffering a heart attack. The pain will deteriorate when taking deep breaths, coughing, eating, or bending. The pain will also deteriorate if it does exertion, but it will not improve with rest.
Cough that produces blood, or phlegm accompanied by blood.
Can’t stop a cough that is frequent, dry, and short? If accompanied by shorter breath, high heartbeat, or chest pain, it may be a pulmonary embolism.
Cough can be dry, but sometimes a person is exposed to a limy or bleeding cough.
Swelling in the limbs
Swollen legs or arms become a common sign of DVT. Blood clots can block blood flow in the legs, and blood can accumulate behind the clots and cause swelling.
Suspect if the limbs swell rapidly, especially if accompanied by a painful side.
Legs or hand pain
Usually DVT pain appears together with other symptoms such as swelling or redness, but can sometimes stand alone.
Unfortunately, the pain caused by blood clots can be counted on muscle cramps, so this problem is often not diagnosed.
When does DVT pain attack? DVT pain tends to attack when we are walking or flex the leg up.
If you experience unmovable muscle spasms, especially if the skin is around warm or discolored, Meet the Doctor.
7 Other symptoms:
- Changes in skin color to pale (cyanosis)
- Redness of the skin.
- Fever
- Excessive sweating
- Heartbeat is irregular and fast.
- Easy to feel dizzy.
- Faint.
Read also: 15 Blood Clot in Lung Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis.
Pulmonary embolism Treatment
How to treat pulmonary embolism?
The primary treatment of pulmonary embolism is by using anticoagulants, which is an easy way to prevent the occurrence of blood clot in the body. Anticoagulants can prevent the enlargement of the size of the blood clot while the body slowly absorb.
In addition, this treatment also reduces the risk of blood clot in the future. Sometimes, there is also another treatment to remove or break the blood clot. This can be done with a treatment called thrombolytic, or, more rarely, a surgical procedure.
Read also: How To Prevent Pulmonary Embolism.
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