– As you get older, the aging process will inevitably occur. It’s just that, in people with white skin, they are called faster to experience the aging process.
Why do white people age faster?
People who are white have low pigment levels that cause the aging process to occur faster.
Skin types in humans, there are six types, the lower the skin type, the less pigment levels.
Skin types 1 to 3 are owned by white people, while types 4 and 5 are owned by people with mature or tanned skin, and type 6 is owned by Negroid people.
The human body has melanin pigment that serves to protect the body’s skin from the bad effects of the sun, namely eumelanin and pheomelanin pigments. However, eumelanin pigment is more concentrated in dark skin than white skin that has pheomelanin pigment.
Because pigment cells serve to protect the skin from the bad effects of the sun, so in dark-skinned people experience a slower aging process than white people.
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