– Difference between panty liners vs pads is its size. The pads tend to be wider and longer, while panty liners are thinner and shorter.
But do you know the deeper differences between the two?
You may not get an understanding of panty liners when you enter puberty. Usually you will only be told that if you menstruate, then you have to use pads to prevent leakage.
What are the pads?
Pads or sanitary pads is a pad that is placed in the underwear and serves to absorb menstrual fluid.
There are several types of pads ranging from organic pads, disposable pads, washable and reusable cloth pads.
Likewise the shape and size, some are winged, thick, thin, and very long which are specifically for use at night. You have to experiment to find out which pads are right for you.
Sanitary napkins sold in mini markets and markets are usually disposable pads and are affordable.
But now there are also many who sell sanitary napkins that are safer and more environmentally friendly, such as organic sanitary napkins and cloth sanitary napkins.
What are panty liners?
Maybe you’ve ever thought that pantyliner is not very useful? Judging from its size, it is very thin and small.
Actually, pantyliner functions to absorb vagi**nal discharge so as not to stain the underwear.
Even the thin size is very suitable, because vagi**nal discharge is generally not as much as menstrual fluid.
Leucorrhoea is a very common and completely natural phenomenon.
Some people use panty liners to protect their underwear from vagi**nal discharge and to keep the vagi**nal area dry, fresh, and clean throughout the day.
Panty liners work best when they are changed every three to four hours.
Panty liners come in all shapes, portability options, and sizes, from small compact panty liners to large panty liners made for heavy discharge and light menstrual flow.
Just like menstrual pads, panty liners also have types such as organic, disposable and rewashable panty liners.
The difference between panty liners vs pads
If you are still confused about the use of pads and panty liners, here’s a detailed explanation:
- Sanitary napkins are used when you have menstruation and menstrual blood flow is heavy. Pads are usually larger and thicker because they need to absorb more flow during menstruation.
- Panty liners are used when you are not menstruating but experiencing vagi**nal discharge that makes the vagi**nal area wet and uncomfortable. Panty liners can be your everyday companion on your non-menstrual days, but pads can’t!
Panty liners are slimmer, smaller, and thinner and fit snugly to the crotch area of your underwear, so you won’t feel a lump in your pants.
When is the best time to use pads and panty liners?
Keep in mind, that you should not use pads when you are not menstruating. This will prevent the skin from breathing in the vagi**nal area. Here are the right times to wear pads and panty liners:
- You must have understood the best time to wear pads, which is during the first or second day of menstruation. Sometimes the first day of menstruation doesn’t release too much fluid, so you can use pads on the second day or when the menstrual flow is heavy. When it doesn’t feel heavy, you can use a panty liner to keep your underwear clean.
- As for panty liners, actually you can’t use them every day. Keep in mind, you may not use panty liners or pads when you are not menstruating or have an excessive vagi**nal discharge. Using too often can trigger the vagi**nal area to become a breeding ground for bacteria, so that other diseases will appear.
Panty liners can be used when there is a lot of vagi**nal discharge, the normally vagi**nal discharge will appear just before the arrival and end of menstruation.
For the rest, you should be suspicious if vagi**nal discharge appears too often and appears a lot, even though it’s not before your period. Because it could be a sign of a vagi**nal health condition that is not good.
Pads and panty liners should be changed every 3-4 hours. Depending on the heavy flow of menstruation or vagi**nal discharge, you must ensure that the vagi**nal area and underwear remain dry.
Sometimes you can’t predict when menstruation or vagi**nal discharge will come. To prevent this, it’s better to always have pads and panty liners in your bag.
Or you can immediately use it if you feel that you will really have your period or heavy vagi**nal discharge that day.