Rheumatism is a disease that occurs when the immune system turns to attack joints, muscles, bones, and other organs of the body. This condition can worsen and interfere with daily activities.
Rheumatologic Disease is often grouped in arthritis. However, rheumatism itself actually also includes many other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, and lupus.
Rheumatism is better known as a disease that attacks the muscular and bone systems. In fact, rheumatism can also cause damage to other organs, such as the heart, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, skin, and eyes.
If not treated immediately, rheumatism can cause a variety of problems. One of them is discomfort due to pain that can interfere with the sufferer in activity.
Rheumatic disease types
As already mentioned that rheumatism is not a specific type of disease. Even medical circles know there are more than 100 types of rheumatism. Here are some of the most common types of rheumatic diseases.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
This first type of rheumatic disease is among the most common and widely occurring. Because often occurs sometimes people call rheumatism with this one type.
The cause of this type of rheumatic disease occurs due to autoimmune diseases. The body’s immune system actually attacks healthy cell tissues, especially those in the joints. This causes rheumatism.
This joint disease is also quite popular and occurs in the joints. But this disorder also includes a type of rheumatic disease. This attack causes the joints to become stiff or painful to move.
In addition to frequently attacking the joints of the back or hips, osteoarthritis also occurs in the knees, feet, and around the fingers. This disorder occurs a lot in elderly people.
Gout Rheumatism
This type of rheumatism also often occurs in elderly people although it can also affect young people. Many people refer to this disorder as uric acid because of its high acid levels.
But to ascertain the cause of this type of rheumatic disease you need to see a doctor. Proper diagnosis will make the treatment and treatment also effective.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Likewise with this type of rheumatism, many rarely hear it. This rheumatism occurs due to chronic joint inflammation. Interestingly, most people who experience it are young people.
Sjogren’s Syndrome
This type of rheumatic disease also occurs due to autoimmune disorders that attack healthy joint tissue. This disorder also occurs in many women. Unfortunately, the cause of rheumatic disease has been not clear until now.
Rheumatologic Disease Symptoms
Some symptoms of rheumatic diseases include joint pain, loss of movement in the joints and inflammation. Including such as swelling, redness, and warmth in the joints.
Your doctor will check to diagnose your condition, then oversee a treatment plan that likely includes medication, regular exercise, a healthy diet, stress management, and rest.
Rheumatic disease causes
Most rheumatic diseases occur when your immune system is wrong and attacks your own body’s tissues.
But other times, rheumatic diseases are the result of something in the world around your life, such as cigarette smoke, pollution, or something that causes infection. Gender is also one factor, because rheumatic diseases affect women more than men.
Rheumatic disease diagnosis
The process of diagnosing rheumatic diseases involves several stages of examination. Your GP will generally conduct an in-depth interview and a thorough physical examination. After that, some of the following supporting examinations are needed to confirm the cause of rheumatic diseases experienced. Some of the checks carried out include:
Blood test
For example, examination of rheumatoid factors for rheumatoid arthritis. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) for lupus, and uric acid levels for gout.
Analysis of joint fluid.
The procedure is called arthrocentesis or joint fluid aspiration. Fluid is taken by inserting a fine needle into the joint. This analysis is very helpful to confirm whether rheumatic diseases are inflammatory or noninflammatory so that the exact cause can be determined.
X-ray the joints to see the position and changes in the bones.
Other imaging examinations such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT scan), are also often used to see changes in the tissues in and around joints.