Syphilis Transmission – Syphilis, otherwise known as lion king disease, is one of the STDs. You must have guessed from the name, syphilis is transmitted through se**xual contact. However, it turns out that this health problem can also be transmitted to others in many ways.
Lion king disease arises due to a bacterial infection called Treponema pallidum. When bacteria enter the body, a person can immediately feel various symptoms, such as fever and the appearance of wounds on the skin. Well, the appearance of these lesions is a sign that syphilis can begin to infect others.
Different Ways of Syphilis Transmission
When a person comes into direct contact with the wounds of others who have syphilis, the bacteria will very easily pass from the patient to the person. Well, transmission or transfer of bacteria can occur through the following ways.
From Pregnant to Fetus
Don’t believe rumors that syphilis only spreads through se**xual inter**course. In fact, this lion king disease can also be passed from pregnant women to babies during pregnancy. In short, pregnant women infected with syphilis, potentially transmitting syphilis-causing bacteria to their unborn babies.
In the medical world, this condition is called congenital syphilis. Be careful, fetuses infected with these bacteria are susceptible to complications, even death before birth.
Alternating Syringes or unsterile syringes
In addition to HIV, hepatitis A, or hepatitis B, the use of syringes can also be a medium of transmission of syphilis. Because blood is one of the body fluids that can deliver the Treponema pallidum bacteria that causes syphilis. In other words, sharing a syringe with people with syphilis is very at risk of developing this disease.
Transmission of syphilis through syringes is susceptible to occur in those who use drugs with syringes or connoisseurs of tattoo and piercing art.
The process of blood transfusion is also an activity of using unsterile syringes. Even so, this condition is less common because each donor will undergo a health check before donating blood.
Remember, the initial symptoms of syphilis begin with the appearance of sores that do not feel pain in the mouth, genitals, or rectum. Well, if you experience these symptoms immediately see a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
Se**xual contact
The main route of syphilis transmission is vagi**nal, a**nal, or oral se**xual contact. When a person with a syphilis wound on his genitals has unprotected se**xual inter**course, the bacteria easily transfer to his partner.
Syphilis sores can appear on the anus, vagi**na, scro**tum, pe**nis, to the mouth a few days after contracting it. The danger is, people who have syphilis are often unconscious so that the spread is easy to occur when changing se**xual partners.
Direct contact with syphilis sores
Transmission in this way is rare. But that does not mean you can be indifferent, especially if you work in the medical field, such as in hospitals, health centers, or other health facilities. Syphilis bacteria move through an uncovered sore on your body, coming into direct contact with syphilis lesions.
There’s something else to watch out for. Sores caused by syphilis, can make the sufferer more easily infected with HIV during se**xual inter**course.
What about other transmissions? Calls it wear the same clothes, sharing a swimming pool or bathroom, cutlery, or using the same toilet as the sufferer? Don’t worry too much, syphilis is not transmitted in these ways.
That was some way of transmitting syphilis other than through a direct se**xual contact. So, always be careful.
Treatment of syphilis can be done with the administration of antibiotics, therefore it is necessary to be examined by a doctor to determine the dose of the antibiotic. Syphilis symptoms will usually appear gradually, and try to get treatment immediately to prevent the disease from getting worse.