Discover how the Ventolin inhaler provides fast relief for asthma and respiratory issues. Learn how it works, benefits, & correct usage to breathe freely again
Symptoms of Pneumonia: Early Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Recognize the symptoms of pneumonia early to act fast and save lives. Learn about the signs
Respiratory Tract Infection: Definition, Causes, 9 Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
The respiratory tract infection is an infection that attacks the human respiratory tract. This infection is caused by bacteria or viruses. Based on its location, respiratory tract infections are divided into two types, namely upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Here are The Respiratory Tract Infection Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Beware of These 8 Respiratory Disorders
The human normally breathes at least 12-20 times per minute. But there are times when our breathing or respiration is interrupted so the breath becomes difficult, uncomfortable, or unable to breathe at all. Here are some of the common respiratory disorders in humans
Lung Conditions of COVID-19 Patient
Lung conditions of the patient infected with Coronavirus are apparently not like people with pneumonia or common cold. Many people who are suspected of exposure to Corona Covid-19 have mild symptoms. Some patients experience severe respiratory disease and may need to be treated in intensive care.
5 Lung Tissues In Human and Its Functions
The tissues in the lungs are epithelium tissue, which is the tissue lining the surface of the organ. Here are The Lung Tissues In Human and Its Functions