Gastric Cancer Symptoms Early and Advance Stage – Gastric cancer is a disease in which malignant cells (cancer) form in the lining of the stomach. Age, diet, and stomach disease can affect the risk of gastric cancer. Indigestion and an uncomfortable or painful stomach sensation are the usual early sensations of gastric cancer.
Stomach is a J-shaped organ in the upper abdomen. It is part of the digestive system, which processes nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water) in foods that are eaten and helps remove waste material out of the body.
The food moves from the throat to the abdomen through a hollow and muscular pipe called the esophagus. After leaving the stomach, some foods are digested in the small intestine and then into the colon.
The abdominal wall consists of five layers of tissue. From the innermost layer to the outer layer, the gastric wall layer is the mucosa, submucosa, muscle, subserosal (connective tissue), and serosa. Gastric cancer begins in the mucosa and spreads through the outer layer as it grows.
What are the stomach cancer symptoms?
It is important to know the symptoms of gastric cancer as early as possible, in order to prevent the spread of cancer cells or malignant tumors that increasingly become. There are symptoms of early stages that are difficult to identify and more serious symptoms. Here are some more stomach cancer symptoms.
Early stage Gastric cancer symptoms
In the early stages, it is difficult to distinguish from other symptoms of gastric problems, such as ulcer or stomach acid rises. Therefore, we must always be vigilant, as the symptoms of the stomach are worsening despite initial treatment. The symptoms of gastric cancer of the early stage should be wary of:
- Stomach aches.
- Heartburn.
- Often burps.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Easy to feel full.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Stomach flatulence after eating..
Here are some explanations:
Abdominal pain
Many people suffer from cramps that are completely unrelated to gastric cancer.
Sometimes this could be related to dietary issues such as not eating enough fiber foods or experiencing food poisoning.
Meanwhile, some women also experience abdominal pain during their monthly cycles.
But, if you can override this other cause and the stomach ache is painful and repetitive, why not minimize the risk and go to the doctor.
Read also:
What is the cause of abdominal pain after eating?
Common problems suffered by people who have problems with gastric reflux.
Heartburn occurs when the contents of the stomach (any food or drink consumed recently) back up to the esophagus. Obviously, this can make a lot of discomfort.
If you’ve done everything to avoid heartburn, such as taking medication and eliminating the trigger foods and drinks such as alco**hol, spicy foods, chocolates, caffeine, and acidic foods.
However, if you still suffer from persistent heartburn, then it may be time to talk to your doctor about the prevention.
Gastric Cancer symptoms advanced stage

In more serious conditions, the symptoms of gastric cancer will show the following traits:
- Bloody black bowel movements.
- Vomiting blackish blood.
- No appetite.
- Weight drops drastically.
- Distended stomach.
- Look Pale (anemia).
- Weak and tired.
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes.
Here are some explanations:
There is blood in the feces (Bloody black color bowel movements)
Although blood in the feces can be a sign of gastric cancer, this symptom can also be a sign of many other digestive diseases. However, in gastric cancer, the blood is derived from inflammatory or inflammation caused by malignant tumors.
In gastric cancer, blood in the stool usually indicates the disease has entered the advanced stage. However, these symptoms can also be detected early.
Loss of appetite (No appetite)
Loss of appetite also includes symptoms that should be wary of. Especially, if you usually like to eat, but suddenly lose your appetite. Ulcer can also lower your appetite. However, according to experts, ulcer is also a risk factor for gastric cancer. Therefore, if you have long enough to lose your appetite, you should consult a doctor.
Read also:
Diet for ulcer sufferers
Thank you very much for reading Gastric Cancer Symptoms Early and Advance Stage, hopefully useful.