Parasitic Infection Symptoms – Parasites are organisms that live inside other organisms and make other organisms host. There are three classes of parasites, namely protozoa which is a single-celled organism that lives in the intestines, blood or tissues.
Worms that are also parasites such as tapeworms, roundworms, etc.
Then there are ectoparasites that include lice and mites attached to the skin.
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Parasites can cause disease even death, but fortunately if it can be detected early, parasitic infections can be treated with drugs.
Here are some symptoms if there are parasites in the body.
Parasitic Infection Symptoms
Weight drop
The drastic weight loss that occurs briefly can be caused by parasitic infections.
Parasitic infections such as tapeworms can cause you to lose weight because all the food you eat will be taken by tapeworms.
Other symptoms that accompany drastic weight loss in the form of loss of appetite and abdominal pain, you also need to be aware.
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is one of Parasitic Infection Symptoms. Parasites can cause inflammation and thus cause abdominal pain. When parasites impact waste elimination from the body, toxins accumulate and cause pain. Tapeworms and roundworms can also cause pain.
Digestive problems
Parasites in the intestine can damage the lining of the intestine and cause inflammation. Nausea, gas, bloating and constipation are common symptoms.
A rash appears
Some parasites can also cause rashes and hives. This is because the poison is eliminated by parasites.
Pin worms can cause itching in your skin. When you scratch the infected area, it will be more bacterial and can worsen. The sensation of itching can also interfere with sleep.
Tapeworms in Feces
One of the strangest symptoms that can occur, since tapeworm infection actually occurs, is the appearance of larvae in the stool. Patients may see little or all of the worms in their stool or feel their movement through the anus.
This will certainly be annoying and panicking. However, this can make diagnosis easier.
Some people with tapeworms report unusual fatigue. It can be caused by the loss of nutrients and the battle that the body does to fight parasitic infections.
Vitamin Deficiency
Basically tapeworm sufferers eat for two people. Because, tapeworms will suck up some of the nutrients. So a test that reveals of anemia or a B12 deficiency may be the sign that you are infected.
In the case of D. Latum, it has an affinity for vitamin B12 and therefore competes with infected people for absorption. So in these patients, B12 deficiency and anemia can occur,.
Insomnia or sleep disorders have been associated with stress and depression, so a person has difficulty getting quality sleep. But did you know that insomnia can also be triggered by parasites? Yes, parasites can gnaw through the nervous system, thus triggering sleep disorders such as insomnia.
Joint pain
Parasites are not creatures that like to be silent. It can breed and move from one point to another in your body. The location that parasites also frequent is bone. This causes the sufferer to experience joint pain and aches.
Always feeling hungry
Even though you’ve eaten in large portions, but soon you immediately feel hungry again. This could be a sign of a worm living in the intestine.
These parasitic worms live by eating the food you consume. Not only has it caused you to always be hungry, the presence of worms in your intestines can also make you continue to lose weight even though you have eaten a lot.
One of the parasites that live a lot in the intestines is tapeworms. According to a statement from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tapeworms hatch in the stomach and eat what you eat. Finally, you’ll feel hungry all the time.
If you experience any of the above Parasitic Infection Symptoms and suspect that there are parasites in your body, it is a good idea to visit a doctor immediately. Because, each type of parasite sometimes requires a different treatment, so the doctor needs to identify it first.