Ringing in right ear or left can be very annoying. It can leave you with difficulty to sleep, work, or do daily activities. Some treatments might be needed to get rid of the annoying voices. The rightest treatment option can even improve the quality of your life later.
Ringing in Right Ears – What to Know
Ringing in the ears also known as tinnitus is a condition that doesn’t only describe ringing in the ears solely but also unexpected various sounds such as buzzing, roaring, hissing, and clicking. Most of the time, tinnitus involves a sudden ringing in ear when external noise is absent. The volume of the sounds can be varied.
Some people find the sound very loud while some others find it very soft. It can be experienced in one of the ears or both of them. You need to know that tinnitus is just a symptom that there is something wrong with your auditory system, not a disease. Some factors are believed to cause this condition, including noise-induced hearing loss.
What Remedies to Use
So, how to stop ringing in ears? Well, there is no cure found for tinnitus at the moment. Fortunately, some treatments are considered effective to reduce intensity. However, you need to keep in mind that the remedies used are not aimed to stop the perceived sounds created by the condition. But, the quality of life is claimed to improve after the treatments.
1# Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are a popular solution suggested for those experiencing tinnitus. This is because most of the people with this condition often develop hearing loss symptoms as well. That leads the change to the way sound frequencies are processed in the brain.
This is how hearing aids will be very helpful for people with ringing in right ear or left. A hearing aid is a small electronic device that involves a speaker, microphone, or amplifier. The device is used to increase external noise volumes, so you can hear better.
2# Use Sound-Masking Tools
Sound-masking devices will give you a pleasant external noise that usually drowns out partially the eternal sound. The modern sound-masking devices now come in the form of small items. In this way, they can fit perfectly in your ear. Interestingly, you can use the devices to play music, nature noises, pink noise, white noise, and other ambient sound effects.
3# PTM
PTM or Progressive Tinnitus Management is one of the common treatments suggested by the US Department of Veteran Affairs for people with tinnitus. This is because veterans are a group of people often found to have this condition. You can talk to a VA hospital in your state to get the treatment programs.
4# Use Customized Sound Machines
Though standard sound-masking devices are considered helpful, they might be less effective. This is because the devices only provide you with short-term effects. Customized sound machines are a great alternative to take since they can be worn intermittently. This allows you to still get the benefits even after the devices are turned off. Not only that, but the customized sound machines will also provide you with long-term improvement.
5# Behavioral Therapy
Due to the impacts such as hearing loss that people often experience, tinnitus is often linked to a high level of emotional stress. Tinnitus also often leads people to develop insomnia, depression, and anxiety conditions. In this way, behavioral therapy is needed to help people to live with tinnitus. Instead of focusing on reducing the annoying sound created by tinnitus, you will learn how to accept and live with it.
The therapy that is often called CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) usually involves a therapist and counselor. This will help people with ringing in right ear problems, avoid depressions caused by the condition.
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