Do You often feel sad, not passionate about doing any activity, even thinking that life is no longer meaningful to continue? Don’t underestimate those feelings because you may be experiencing major depressive disorder.
Major depressive disorder, also known as clinical depression, is a protracted feeling of sadness that can no longer be overcome by just walking around or eating a favorite food. Depression like this affects feelings, mindsets, and behaviors that then also adversely affect physical and mental health.
People with major depressive disorder should undergo long-term therapy. Although it is not easy, many clinical depression patients feel better after getting drug therapy, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.
Major Depressive Disorder Causes
It is not known exactly what caused the major depressive disorder. As with many other mental disorders, various factors can be the cause, such as some below.
#1. Brain Chemistry
Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that appear naturally, and likely play a role in major depressive disorders.
Recent research suggests that changes in the function and effects of these neurotransmitters and how they interact with the neurocircuits involved in maintaining mood stability may play an important role in depression and its treatment.
#2. Hormones
Changes in the body’s hormonal balance can also cause and trigger major depressive disorders.
Hormonal changes can occur in pregnancy and several weeks or months after childbirth (postpartum) and from thyroid problems, menopause or a number of other conditions.
#Other Causes
- Biological Differences
- Innate Nature
Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms
Many of the symptoms of major depressive disorder look the same, or at least very similar.
By recognizing the symptoms of depression, it will be very helpful for us to be able to overcome them immediately.
Seeing early warning signs of depression allows us to deal with it head-on by seeking treatment or support to make us recover.
Here are the signs and symptoms of major depressive disorder that we can find.
Sleep Time Becomes Disturbed
Changes in sleep time are the first symptoms that may be noticed when dealing with major depressive disorder.
Some people have trouble sleeping or may wake up very early.
While other signs, can fall asleep well, but wake up all night and do not feel not getting enough rest in the morning.
Have No Motivation
One obvious sign of major depressive disorder is no longer enjoying the things we once enjoyed.
For example, I used to love to read, but now don’t want to read anymore, even though there’s a stack of good books by the bedside.
Or don’t want to meet a friend, even if they take a walk.
Feeling Uncomfortable with The Little Things
Accidents at work, traffic jams, losing keys or forgetting to put something, these things may feel annoying, but not to the point of causing a sense of despair.
However, if major depressive disorder begins to appear, we may “begin to believe that nothing will be better or change.
Everything Feels Hard to Do
Feelings that occur in major depressive disorder can make everything feel difficult, from getting up, to taking a shower or brushing your teeth, going to work, to sending a text message to a friend, to cooking dinner. Everything will be hard to do.
Loss of Appetite
While it may sound unrelated to major depressive disorder, pay attention to slight changes in us, such as lack of appetite, despite being confronted with our favorite foods.
Depression can cause major changes in appetite.
We will feel unconcerned by what we eat, even if we like to eat.
Major depressive disorder leaves our state emotionally drained, and from the start, we may show signs of decreased emotional reserve, thus losing patience.
We can yell at coworkers or feel impatient with family members. Maybe more arguing with your partner.
Other signs such as feeling often panicked and worried, no matter the circumstances around and more often alone.
Major Depressive Disorder Impact
Actually, this depression is a mental disorder that is very related to natural and normal emotions i.e. sadness and loss. The difference is, if we are sad because of losing a girlfriend, failing an exam or experiencing other unpleasant experiences only within a certain period of time, well, depressed people can feel sadness or loss for more than two weeks, even monthly or yearly.
Furthermore, this type of disorder affects the way we function as human beings, ranging from thinking, mood, to bodily functions. Major depressive disorder, also affects motivation, impacting social life, work, school and health in general. So it’s a good idea to be more careful in using the term depression, because depression is a serious mental disorder, it can even take lives through sui**cidal behavior.
Major Depressive Disorder Treatments
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy will help people with depression to recognize negative thoughts and feelings. Make the person more aware of the reason negative thoughts and feelings come. Furthermore, psychologists will help clients to reframing so that negative thoughts and feelings do not always hinder one’s activity.
Psychoanalytic Therapy
This therapy seeks to re-explore childhood traumatic experiences that could be the root of the depression. This therapy helps people with depression to explore various feelings and emotions that they have not realized since childhood. The therapy then aims to help people with depression understand their own feelings.
Pharmacotherapy is a therapy using drugs such as anti-depressants. Through medicines provided by professionals this can help people with depressive disorders to improve their mood, so that they can return to activities and focus on their work.