Types of migraines. Which one do you have? Maybe you’re one of the people who often have headaches or migraines. However, do you know if not all migraines are the same? Yes, there are several types of migraine. Thus, what type of migraine do you have?
Migraine is a neurological disease, which can cause symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. Migraine attacks with the annoying pain can last for a few hours or a few days.
Migraines more often suffered by women than men. According to the research results of the WHO, of the total human population aged 18-65 years who reported ever suffer from headaches, about 30 percent of whom were migraine sufferers. On migraine sufferers, the headache attack next to the generally first appears at puberty. Migraine attacks will feel heavier when appearing at the age of 35 to 45 years old.
Types of migraines
Episodic migraine.
Try to remember, how often you experience migraines. When you experience a migraine attack five times within 24 hours and going less than 15 times a month, then you might experience episodic migraine.
Episodic migraine attacks are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light or noise during migraine occurs. Typically, some of the things that trigger the occurrence of episodic migraine, i.e., stress, menstruation, weather changes, the presence of symptoms of disorders of the eye or brain, or because of the side effects of the consumption of drugs.
Chronic migraine.
A sign that best represents the incidence of chronic migraine is migraine attacks that occurred more than 4 hours at a time and will last more than 15 days a month. Typically, this type of migraine may cause symptoms that duration is longer and more frequently than with episodic migraine.
A study on Current Pain and Headache Reports, found that individuals suffering from chronic migraine experienced headaches that lasts for an average of 65.1 hours if without treatment, and 24.1 hours accompanied by treatment.
When compared to individuals who experience episodic migraine, they can survive an average 38.8 hours without treatment and 12.8 hours with treatment.
Ocular Migraine (retinal migraine).
This type of migraine characterized by recurring attacks of visual disturbances in one eye. The symptoms do not cause any pain and if that’s the case, surely the pain is only temporary.
In this condition, your view will be slightly blurred and unclear.
Hemiplegic migraine.
Patients who experience these types of migraines are usually experienced motor weakness. For example, you will experience migraines are accompanied by paralysis of the whole body or one part of the body during migraines that occur.
It sounds scary. These types of migraines are more common in infants and children than older people. It is usually very hard to diagnosed because of its complexity.
Regular or general migrane (Migraine without aura).
This type of migraine is the most common. The symptoms thereof can be nausea (can be accompanied by vomiting); sensitivity to light, sounds, and scents; pain on one or both sides of the head.
Classic migraine (migraine with aura).
On the type of classic, usually preceded by a migraine symptoms called aura, which occurs in 30 minutes before the migraine occurred. Classic migraine is 30% of all migraines.
Basilar Migraine.
Basilar migraine is a type of migraine that comes from the brain stem or the two sides of the brain (cerebral hemispheres). It is also known by a variety of different names, such as the basilar artery migraine, Bickerstaff syndrome and vertebrobasilar migraine. Though not yet absolutely certain, the condition is thought to be caused by pinching the basilar artery.
Symptoms begin with a throbbing pain in the side or back of the head, then start spinning sensations arise (vertigo) that can be followed by a variety of other symptoms such as visual impairments on one side vision, numbness and tingling in one side of the face, difficulty talking, nausea, vomiting, confusion to unconsciousness.
Read also: My head hurts: 42 Causes.
Menstrual migraine.
This type of migraine associated with fluctuations in estrogen levels during a woman’s menstrual cycle. About 60 to 70 percent of women who suffer from migraines reported a connection between migraine with menstruation.