Diabetes can cause complications if the condition continues to grow worse, so it is important to immediately get the right treatment. However, the treatment should be adjusted to the type of diabetes it belongs to. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the type of diabetes mellitus. What are the types of diabetes in the world? How Many Types of Diabetes Are There?
For more understanding, see the following reviews of diabetes mellitus classification.
How Many Types of Diabetes Are There?
During this time, you may think that there are only two types of diabetes, namely type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
In fact, diabetes is divided according to the classification of its main causal factors, the characteristics of its condition, and who has it. Then, How Many Types of Diabetes Are There?
Let’s discuss one by one type of diabetes mellitus below.
(Pre = before, or almost), it is a condition that is very potent to be diabetes mellitus characterized by a blood sugar level that is too high to be considered normal but not high enough to be in the range of typical diabetes mellitus diagnosis.
Prediabetes not only increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, but also heart disease. Prediabetic criteria: HbA1C 5.7-6.4; Fasting blood glucose levels 100-125 mg/dl and plasma glucose levels 2 hours after eating 140-199 mg/dl
Type 1 Diabetes
Usually first known at the age of children, teenagers or young older persons. In this type, all beta cells of the pancreatic gland are damaged, so the insulin is the only drug option.
Type 2 Diabetes
This is the type of diabetes with the highest number of patients. Type 2 Diabetes can occur at all ages. The cause is less insulin production. In addition, this type of diabetes can also occur because the tissues of fats, muscles and cells of the liver cannot use insulin to the fullest.
Read also: How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Old Age
Gestational Diabetes
This disease usually occurs during the pregnancy process, which will disappear after childbirth. However, this condition can also remain in the case of a woman, although she has given birth.
Gestational Diabetes is indeed not deadly, but it is a high risk of complicating the mothers during childbirth. Some conditions such as high blood tension and eclampsia are haunting mothers with gestational diabetes.
Diabetes due to nutritional deficiencies
As the name suggests, this type of diabetes is caused by severe nutritional deficiencies. Although it shows high blood sugar levels, some of the complications commonly found in other types of diabetes are not found here.
LADA Diabetes
LADA stands for latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood. In a simple way, LADA is similar to the new type 1 diabetes mellitus when someone is grown. Generally this disease occurs when a person is 30 years old and above.
At the beginning of treatment, LADA can be treated with diabetic tablets. But in the long run, the sufferer needs insulin injections to control blood sugar levels in the body.
MODY Diabetes
MODY stands for maturity the onset of diabetes of the young. The causes and symptoms of MODY are similar to type 2 diabetes mellitus, but there are two things that distinguish them.
First, MODY generally happens before someone is 25 years old (teenager). Secondly, MODY is usually part of a disease derived from parent to child, as this condition is usually caused by a genetic mutation. Therefore, if a father or a mother experiences MODY, the child will have a 50% higher risk of experiencing the same disease.
Cluster 1 Diabetes
Referred to as “severe autoimmune diabetes”. This kind of diabetes equals type 1 diabetes. Diabetics usually begin to be exposed to diabetes at a young age and do not suffer from excess weight.
The cause of this diabetes is due to diseases that cause their immune system to not be able to produce insulin.
Diabetes Cluster 2
Also known as “severe insulin-deficient diabetes”, this diabetes occurs just like cluster 1. However the distinguishing thing is, the sufferers of cluster 2 diabetes do not have a disease that makes their insulin unable to produce insulin.
Researchers do not yet know for sure why this kind of diabetes can occur, but they estimate that diabetics have a cell deficiency that can produce insulin.
Cluster 3 Diabetes
Called “Severe insulin-resistant diabetes”, this diabetes occurs in people who are overweight and has a high resistance to insulin. This means that the body can produce insulin, but its body cells cannot respond to insulin.
Cluster 4 Diabetes
Called “Mild obesity-related diabetes”, this diabetes is experienced by people who are overweight but the problem are not as severe as those with cluster 3 diabetes.
Diabetes Cluster 5
Called “mild age-related diabetes”‘, this diabetes is similar to cluster 4, but the sufferer is mostly an elderly person. When a study of diabetes is conducted, this type of diabetes is the most widely found because it is experienced by 40 percent of the study participants.
Thank you very much for reading How Many Types of Diabetes Are There? Hopefully useful.