| Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women – Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs. This bacterial infection often appears without symptoms. I
f left unchecked, chlamydia can damage your reproductive organs, even though this infection is easily treated with antibiotic treatment. Then when symptoms appear, what kind of complaints usually arises?
Let’s be aware of the symptoms of chlamydia that can appear in women.
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can infect both men and women. Chlamydia is spread through vagi**nal, a**nal or oral se**x. Chlamydia bacteria can be passed from a person’s genitals to their partner through genital fluids during inter**course.
Chlamydia can infect the pe**nis, vagi**na, cervix, anus, urethra, eyes and throat. For example, if you have touched the genitals of someone who has been infected with chlamydia, then accidentally touch your eyes or mouth without washing your hands first, you can become infected with chlamydia.
Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the symptoms of the infection and, in fact, they don’t even know that they are infected.
Unlike other STDs, chlamydia tends to be more easily treated with antibiotics. However, when the infection is left untreated, the risk of complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, inflammation of the reproductive organs, transmission to the fetus, and the risk of infection with HIV can increase.
Beware of Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women
According to the CDC, up to 95% of women infected with chlamydia have no complaints. Symptoms that appear can also be mild so that patients just skip it. But if you are se**xually active, you can be aware of the following symptoms and try to get yourself checked to confirm the symptoms:
Characteristic vagi**nal discharge due to chlamydia
Leucorrhoea is a common thing that women can experience. Discharge can occur normally but can also indicate a medical condition, such as chlamydia. The characteristics of vagi**nal discharge due to chlamydia are as follows:
- Smells bad
- Yellow or gray in color
- Thicker than normal vagi**nal discharge
Rectal pain
Rectal pain is one of The Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women. Chlamydia doesn’t just affect the vagi**na. Chlamydia also affects the anus, especially if you have unprotected a**nal se**x. In addition to pain, you may also notice a discharge such as mucus or blood from the rectum.
Bleeding from the genitals
Chlamydia sometimes causes inflammation so you may experience bleeding outside of your menstrual period. This bleeding can be mild to severe. Bleeding and pain may also occur after intercourse.
Painful is one of The Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women. Some people experience pain in the stomach when infected with chlamydia. This pain is felt in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic or waist area.
Eye infection
In some people, chlamydia can also cause an eye infection called conjunctivitis. Not everyone experiences it, even this symptom may be quite rare to find. Complaints that can be experienced are irritation of the eyes, reddened eyes and also discharge from the eyes.
Ferver is one of The Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women. Fever is a common symptom that indicates the body is fighting a germ infection. When infected with chlamydia, you can also experience a mild to moderate fever.
Burning sensation when urinating
A burning sensation when urinating is a common symptom of STDs, including chlamydia. Sometimes these symptoms are mistaken for symptoms of a urinary tract infection. You may also experience an increased frequency of urination that is more than usual.
Like vagi**nal discharge that smells bad, urine can also be cloudy and smell bad when infected with chlamydia.
If you are se**xually active, you should have regular checkups to make sure you don’t have a STIs. Routine checkups are also useful so that if you do catch an infection, you can get treatment earlier.