Stomach problems are one of the common health problems that we often face. Although sometimes sounds trivial, abdominal pain can be very disturbing to your body’s fitness. That is why it is important to find out what stomach problems you are facing.
Common Stomach Problems
Increase in gastric acid
If you do not eat anything in a long time, the acid enzyme in your stomach will be strong. And as soon as you eat, the acids consume the food and make it rise up.
Stomach containing gas
The Gas in the stomach is heavy air produced when digesting heavy-fiber foods such as cabbage. The stomach will feel pulled and may also experience a burning sensation in the body due to the gas. You can drink plenty of water to melt the gas so that it is easily removed from the body.
Do You have a very irregular meal time? This makes the acid enzyme in the stomach erode the lining of the stomach. This condition can cause sore and burn in the stomach.
Abdominal pain
Many people feel abdominal pain, especially in the navel area when they suffer from appendicitis. In addition, problems with the gallbladder can also give pain in the upper abdomen or even the back.
In addition to eating less fiber foods, constipation can also occur when you experience thyroid problems, wounds in the colon, or the side effects of medications you take,
Not only because most consume spicy foods, diarrhea also occurs as a result of bacterial or viral infections. Especially if you are experiencing more than 2 days accompanied by fever, frequent vomiting, and severe pain in the stomach.
5 Other Stomach Problems
- Indigestion
- Lactose intolerance
- Wormy.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Bloating.
Stomach Problems From Stress
Stress not only makes you feel tense. Stress can also cause a real physical impact on the body, including the intestines. How can stress be associated with acid reflux and peptic ulcers?
Acid reflux
Stress increases the production of acid, which may increase the chance of experiencing acid reflux symptoms. This condition can deteriorate if you react to stress by consuming stimulants like caffeine-based drinks, which tend to increase the incidence of symptoms of reflux.
Learn more about How to prevent acid reflux + Video
Peptic ulcers
The role of stress as the cause of heartburn is still controversial due to difficulties associated with quantitatively calculating stress on everyone. However, some studies that have noted the ulcer incidence of a predetermined population have found links between certain types of stress with the risk of developing ulcers.
These types of stress include depression, occupational stress, social problems, and post-traumatic stress disease.
Studies have shown that the incidence of peptic ulcer disease increases after disasters such as city bombing and earthquakes. Individuals who develop peptic ulcers after trauma, but psychologically stable life events tend to improve after the stress factor disappears.
Stomach Problems in Babies
The baby’s digestive system is still developing, because it is not completely perfect. Therefore, it is not surprising that there will be some stomach problems in babies that often arise.
Some stomach problems in babies can be handled at home. There are also stomach problems in infants who need a doctor’s intervention for the handling, namely:
Stomach containing gas
Stomach containing gas is a stomach problem that is formed by normal bacteria that live in a baby’s gut. Babies who are fussy, often crying, or drink from a bottle also become triggers of stomach problems in babies that containing gas.
The signs of a stomach containing gas are the baby’s stomach is seen bulging, babies bend the back and stretches, because the stomach feels very uncomfortable.
Ways to help reduce the gas in the baby’s stomach, lay the baby and make a bicycle leg movement with both baby’s legs, go back and forth, and try pushing his knee towards the chest, repeating several times.
Spit up
Spit up occurs because the baby has a valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. When the baby is crying or the stomach is too full, the valve opens and makes the milk come out again.
The way to prevent stomach problems in infants in the form of spit up, You can help the baby burp in the middle of lactation time, so that the baby has more time to digest the food. Then, burp the baby after finishing the milk.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a problem of stomach in infants with symptoms of spit up, but is more severe and painful for the baby. Unlike ordinary, babies who have GERD will cry more during and after the feeding of milk.
In addition, GERD can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, and choking.
Often help the baby burp and keep the baby’s head higher after breastfeeding helps reduce stomach problems in infants.
If You suspect the baby is experiencing GERD, consult a doctor immediately to get a treatment that can soothe the baby’s stomach.