Youthful secrets, one of them is lying in a natural food consumption and minimal process. The study said that when the body is given the nutrients, vitamins and antioxidant substances, then it will produce collagen as well as maintain skin elasticity. Want to stay young and live longer? Eat right, sleep enough and remain positive being the key.
Some of the important things, the first is the food. What you eat, then that is what is seen in the body. The second is what and how you think, if you more positive and happy then the skin as well as cells in it will also be more happy, will certainly reduce the ageing process as it happens when you are sad or depressed. The third is sleep, this is very important. These three things determine Your youthfulness.

Food meal will directly result in physical, mental and emotional health. A balanced diet will provide all the nutrients you need to undergo activity during the day. Total calories produced by the body must be equivalent to the amount of energy used for activities during the day. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are very healthy. More natural and slightly processed while eating, then will effect to the skin.
When the body is given nutrients, vitamins, and anti-oxidant substances, it will produce collagen and maintain skin elasticity. The cells will divide and repair itself quickly, than when consuming unhealthy foods, the cell will only divide without repairing itself. The most important is to think about what food to eat for a day than eating snacks outside. Learn 7 Foods to stay young and healthy.
Humans just need to pay attention to what they put in the mouth all the time. In addition, eliminates the pressure, quality and enough sleep, getting rid of smo**king and alco**hol will give you the difference. Tea, coffee, alco**hol and smo**king should not be consumed at all. It will damage the condition of the body. Cigarette smoke, either outside or inside the body as well as other toxins will make the skin look dull and dead, which is the beginning of wrinkles and aging. This addictive substances should be kept away from people who want to live healthy and happy.
Thank you very much for reading Youthful secrets, hopefully useful.